Re: Proposal request for ideas on naming Fedora releases.

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On 8/11/2012 8:27 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2012 19:47:47 -0400
> David <dgboles@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 8/11/2012 7:16 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
>>> On 08/11/2012 04:20 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>>>> On 08/11/2012 12:41 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
>>>>> As far as I can see, there's no imminent harm to giving a new release of
>>>>> an OS a name, if anything it gives it an identity, something to
>>>>> associate it with, such as when two developers are talking and one says
>>>>> have you seen the splash screens for "Verne"?....with the two of them
>>>>> BOTH knowing what Fedora 16's "name" is. If someone doesn't think an OS
>>>>> release shouldn't' be named they can just ignore the name and go ahead
>>>>> and call it by whatever makes them happy! Remember Linux is all about
>>>>> "Freedom Of Choice"...whatever you choose to do, (within bounds of
>>>>> course!) is fine!
>>>> I have no problems, personally, in naming releases.  I'm sure it's 
>>>> much easier for the devs to refer to them by name, especially in
>>>> conversation.  And, for some distros, such as Ubuntu, the userbase
>>>> tends to use the names, not release number, making the names even more
>>>> important.  My objection to the name for F17 is that it sounds
>>>> immature, rather as though it had been picked by a thirteen-year-old
>>>> boy suffering from testosterone overload for the first time.  Yes, I
>>>> understand that it was picked to honor the memory of a well-liked
>>>> Fedora developer, but that's what it looks like to me.
>>>> Names can be a good thing, but an ill-chosen one can be a PR
>>>> nightmare.  I think that the only reason we've not had trouble over
>>>> Beefy Miracle is the fact that most people who know anything about
>>>> Fedora tend to ignore the names and those who don't mostly know why it
>>>> got the name. This time, we got lucky and didn't end up with a metric
>>>> butload of bad publicity.  In the future, I think that some of the
>>>> more mature devs might want to take a little time to make sure that we
>>>> use a little common sense and avoid such names.
>>>> YMMV, and if it does, please remember that the above is only my
>>>> opinion and you're free to ignore it if you want.
>>> No worries Joe! I feel that we can *all *contribute something to this
>>> great project known as Fedora, so even YOUR opinion counts!...As for
>>> myself....I'd like to see the names go in a more "Start Trek / Star Wars
>>> / Battlestar Galactica" direction myself......but's to
>>> hoping!...
>> I don't give a damn what the devs use for names as long as they are
>> *not* like Ubuntu. Constipated Chicken. Four legged Duck. Soon to be
>> dieing fish. Three legged dog.  Etc.
>> I see the Ubuntu users actually using those names. I have "Constipated
>> Chicken" installed and CD won't burn!!!  Really? You expect a Linux
>> install named  "Constipated Chicken"  to burn a CD/DVD!! <sigh>
>> OHG guys. Neat names or cute names but not stupid, embarrassing names.
> I think that depends on your own definitions. I do not find Beefy
> Miracle neat or cute IMHO.

Bluntly? No insult meant to the devs? Or whomever picked that name.

"Beefy Miracle", IMHO, is the name of the well endowed male actor in a
cheap porno video.


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