Re: boot: linux text => "Could not find kernel image: linux"

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On 08/08/2012 05:43 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
> Funnily enough downloading a 3.6GB ISO to answer a simple question isn't normally my first response. Someone must know the answer. In any case if the images are the same as you say (you've done this yourself?) it's not going to tell me what the difference is. Or indeed that there's any difference, and then the only way to test that is to burn them image and try it. Which still doesn't explain what's going on. 

Sorry to say that downloading 4GB of stuff to answer simple questions is often *my* first inclination.  Only because I enjoy getting my hands dirty and finding things out for myself.  Another reason for doing it myself is actually covered in your paragraph above.  You've asked "you've done this yourself?".   Sometimes, when I see answers here, I ask myself the same question.

So, yes....  I've done it myself.  Because I feel "more" certain when I do the work myself...

/dev/loop0                       619126    619126         0 100% /mnt/iso     (LiveCD)
/dev/loop1                      3717164   3717164         0 100% /mnt/iso2   (DVD)
/dev/loop2                       603008    603008         0 100% /mnt/sq      (LiveCD squashfs.img)

FWIW, you *don't* need to burn the image.  Like I said, you loop mount it.

>> If you boot the LiveCD, then hit esc to get to the boot prompt you can type "linux0 text" and all that will do is boot the LiveCD image since that is the way the CD is designed.
> In fact, linux0 is the name of a menu option in the boot loader, which
> starts to explain some things. The earlier discussion in this thread
> focused on kernel images.

The kernel images are the same as well....

egreshko@meimei isolinux]$ diff -s /mnt/iso/isolinux/vmlinuz0 /mnt/iso2/isolinux/vmlinuz
Files /mnt/iso/isolinux/vmlinuz0 and /mnt/iso2/isolinux/vmlinuz are identical

>> There isn't an option to do an Install from the LiveCD in the same manner as from the DVD.  I suppose I could see how you may get that impression from the documentation link you've provided.
> Partially of course because that's exactly what it does say. I'm not
> being obtuse: it lists all the different media and then goes on to
> explain the graphical interface and the additional boot options. No
> distinction is made.

In all the releases of Fedora DVD and LiveCD, I can't recall this issue being brought up until now.
>>  Feel free to propose a correction to the documentation.
> I know nearly enough now to do so, but did getting the information to
> do that really have to involve pulling nails?

Sometimes things are not easy.   Oh, and the proper idiom is "like pulling teeth".  :-) :-)

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