On 07/01/2012 08:42 PM, agraham wrote:
F17 must be the only linux distribution in history in which you cannot
edit kernel parameters from the boot menu.
I've actually run into this bug, but I found with a little exploration
that it's just a misplacement
of the cursor. If you let the cursor be a line or so below the "linux"
line and hit the "end" key
it will "logically" be the right place, but the cursor isn't in the
right place, and one *can* change
the kernel parameters.
grub-2.00-rc1 is in the GNU repo, and it fixes most of the problems.
robatino is tracking
the development and I hope the rc1 gomes in an update soon.
After yumming in the beta6 rpm, don't forget to grub2-install /dev/sd<x>
to actually replace
the grub2 code on the disk.
G.Wolfe Woodbury
aka redwolfe (proventesters)
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