On 06/22/2012 11:47 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 06/22/2012 08:10 AM, Mike Wohlgemuth wrote:
On 06/20/2012 11:01 AM, Daniel wrote:
Your fatigue would largely have been avoided had the Gnome
developers proceeded differently. So perhaps you should complain
to them. ;-)
Wow. The arrogance in that statement is rather astounding.
Wow. Your resort to personally attacking me is rather astounding, as
also is your imputing arrogance to my making a point of pure logic.
seriously believe that I should complain to the Gnome developers
because there are people on a mailing list that is only tangentially
related to Gnome who can't stop beating a dead horse?
No. I actually don't believe that you should complain to anyone. I
don't believe that you should complain to the developers of Gnome; I
don't believe that you should complain on this list about those who
have a problem with Gnome; I don't believe that you should complain on
this list with those who believe that Gnome should not be the default
choice of Fedora. I don't see how it is that you imagine that the
second group is beating a dead horse and yet you are not. I don't see
how you think that the third group is beating a dead horse.
In any event, I see the second and third groups as trying to move a
horse whom they believe to be alive, whereas I don't know what you
might think that you're doing, but it doesn't look like an attempt to
be helpful.
1. No discussion on this list will likely ever impact Gnome
development. Go to the gnome devel list for that.
I made that point a while back, more than once. But those in the
third group are trying to effect Fedora's relationship to Gnome, given
its development arc.
2. The only likely scenario in which discussions on this list will
impact Fedora development is if one of the development team also
reads this list and takes it upon themselves to follow up on the
Fedora devel lists.
And even then, such a developer is unlikely to heed the cries. But
under what scenario do you imagine that people here will respond to
_your_ demands?
3. The vast majority of users of Fedora, whether or not they use
Gnome, could not care less about your opinions on the Gnome
development process, and do get tired of the repetition, and
telling them that it is their fault is insulting.
I'd like to see your polling data. I'd like to see polling dats that
shows that the majority of users _do_ care about most of the threads
on this list. I'd like to see polling data that shows that those
complaining about Gnome are going to respond to your demands that they
Uhh....guys? not to be a pain in the arse or anything, but does it
matter either way? I have a slew of e-mails of you guys going back and
forth, let's just leave it as "You have YOUR opinion......and He has
HIS" which is something we're all entitled to, and should therefore
respect them. I believe you both have valid points made, and I KNOW
there are people who feel like either one of you do regarding Gnome, I
DON'T believe that going "back & forth" will help in any case.....but
its been entertaining to say the least!...LoL!
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