Re: Power-off stupidity remains in Gnome 3

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I agree! After dealing with all the "Conform Or Die" attitudes with Windows, and all the software vendors who only catered to Windows in the early years, I can say that Gnome is the absolute best in keeping things fresh and easy to do, not to mention when I show it to others who are still sucking on the Microsoft teat, they are amazed that it looks so damn good. I get the "THIS is LINUX!?" shock and surprise every single time! So I'm hoping that no matter what happens in the future with Fedora and their desktops, that they'll ALWAYS have an "option" for using Gnome as a DE!'s to hoping!


On 06/15/2012 10:06 PM, Roelof 'Ben' Kusters wrote:
Joe Zeff wrote:

Sooner or later, all of you who are unhappy with various parts of Gnome 3 are going to have to do one of three things

When Fedora 15 just came out, I heard thousands of complaints about Gnome 3. I'm sure a large percentage of people left Gnome altogether. However, I for one absolutely LOVE Gnome3 - it does exactly what I want a computer to do. Quick, intuitive, and easily organised (especially, it gets better with every distro). The fact that you still rant about it, tells me that you have probably not given it a real chance in the first place. I'm under the impression that the animosity against Gnome3 is not because Gnome3 sucks. It's for the same reason many people refuse to leave Windows, even though they have tonnes of complaints about it: they do not wish to learn something new. They know their way around a system, and do not in the least appreciate any form of change. I don't know you Joe, so I don't know for sure that is the case. But the "Install enough extensions and hope they don't break" I find a very funny argument - everything breaks. It always does. It's a law of nature; nothing stays organised. And that's why Linux is so great - you can and are allowed to fix it yourself. If you can't deal with that, I know some OSes that will fix it for you... They cost though, but are great too.

I had to install Xfce on a machine because it didn't have enough hardware for the full version. I felt - and feel - like I'm computing with one hand tied behind my back every time I use it...

Gnome3 Rocks. I highly recommend it.

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