On 05/24/2012 06:59 AM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
It's a 2-wire brand router, rebranded as AT&T
And yes, it does have the status page to see
every connected client, it's IP address, ...etc
However, it has no info about each client's
bit rate.
It sort of does on the System Summary page at You can
also ask for connection details.
Well, I click on a connected device's details and
I get info like:
Device Details
Name MacBookPro
Connection Type Wireless (802.11)
IP Address
IP Address Allocation DHCP
IP Address Type Private (NAT)
Hardware Address 00:01:02:03:04:05
Status On
I see no info about bit rates at all.
The system Info page has no info about any wireless client.
The Home page lists all connected devices, and provides the
link "Device Details" which when clicked shows the info above.
What I said was not completely correct. What the system summary does is
gives you internet speeds (in, and out) capabilities of the connection.
This is not a statement about the actual internet bit speeds of
connections of each machine on the LAN.
I see. That speed is rather high, since it combines the
bandwidth used for incoming TV signal as well.
But nevertheless, incoming is 25mb/s and outgoing
is 5mb/s (m=10^6).
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