On 05/03/2012 12:52 PM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
On 05/03/2012 12:04 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
On 03.05.2012, Konstantin Svist wrote:
Problem is, I can't seem to find a way to encrypt the swap so that
it would
be usable for hibernation.
Have you looked at "luksSuspend" and "luksResume"?
I've only seen them as crytsetup options.. I'll google for those..
I'm not sure if the "same key" problem exists in Fedora 16, I've tried
setting it up this way and I'm able to boot but not resume.
Simply, you can't suspend the device which contains the cryptsetup
That's silly. Grub loads initramfs from an unencrypted /boot
partition; initramfs knows about encryption and is able to mount root
after I enter my key. There should be no technical reason why it can't
mount the swap with the same key immediately after and tell kernel to
resume from the now-available swap.
I see now - what you said applies to luksSuspend/luksResume. I'm
guessing it should probably reside on /boot or inside initramfs for that
From what I can tell, these commands work for an encrypted separate
partition, e.g. /home, probably not so much for the whole disk. And/or
they should generally be called by other tools, abstracted from the user.
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