Re: Syncing with MTP devices

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Tom Horsley wrote:
On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 18:07:41 -0430 Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

Ironically, one of my reasons for moving from iPhone to Android was the hope of better Linux support ...

Personally, I use wi-fi and rsync with my android. There is an rsyn app available for android.

Indeed. The MTP support in linux pretty much sucks. If it was the only option, I'm sure more of us would try to work on improving it. But, like Tom, I just use other methods of transfering files. I installed QuickSSHd on my Galaxy Nexus and use sshfs and rsync for most of my syncing.

The thread I'd point at for various options is:

but I see that Patrick commented in that thread, so I wouldn't be telling him anything new. :)

It would be nice if the default tools worked better out of the box. But I'm not sure that MTP is better than the various wireless options available, even if it worked perfectly. At least not for me.

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