Re: "No driver found" when installing F14 to a 2TB drive using netinstall

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On 2012/04/27 13:57, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 27.04.2012 22:48, schrieb Mike Wright:
On 04/27/2012 01:32 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 27.04.2012 22:29, schrieb Mike Wright:
On 04/27/2012 01:11 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 27.04.2012 22:05, schrieb Adam Zilkie:

I am getting the following error message during my F14 installation:

“No driver found”

“Unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type. Would you like to manually select your
driver or use a driver disk?”

why in the world are you installing NOW Fedora 14 which is
EOL, get no longer any security updates and even Fedora 15

Gnome 3? hahaha.  Now laugh, Reindl ;)

i am KDE user

Starting to sound like a smart choice.

don't get me wrong - installing a non supported OS these
days is simply idiotic - please do not connect it to the
internet because infected machines are typically used
to attack machines from people who care about security

what is your plan?
staying at F14 forever?

GNOME2 will never come back - switch to another DE
or install CentOS to have some years a GNOME2 OS with
security updates

Please do chill out, Reindl.  I'm about as paranoid as they come and do not take security mindlessly.  Using a
system with which I am unfamiliar and whose new control systems baffle me would seem to make me a major candidate
as a target by those more familiar with it than I.

the core-system is exactly the same, systemd is no rocket science
making no upgrade and run a KNOWN vulnerable system because
fear you could make a mistake with the new one is the wrong way

you are still making the mistake by install a vulnerable system

and yes, i am a little bit sensible since many of the attacks
in the last months and especially last days coming from poorly
maintained machines all over the wolrd and nobdy pays me my lifetime
wasting with such issues caused by others

Now that you've had your rant, he is talking an embedded system. Remember
that when you contemplate the following. Suppose for a moment that this
is a theatrical lighting console application. (I know of at least one that
runs Linux  underneath.) It won't be connected to the Internet, at least
not directly. If the theater's system architect has the brains God gave
a toad or if he's been reading the right lists he'll know to put the
theatrical control Ethernet on its own wires or at least its own virtual
network if glitches can be tolerated. One node would provide for the
business office monitoring of the network with a strong firewall running
on a machine running no services.

So the machine would be adequately safe even if it was running Hurricane
or some other horrrrribly old distribution.

So while they might have done better picking Centos of some vintage the
degree to which it would be better for the cited application is too small
to sweat.

PS: You're so overwrought by the top posting or something you've forgotten
how to spell there at the end, "wolrd" and "nobdy". Calm down. The world is
not ending.

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