Re: Which Windows for Virtual Box ? (F16, USB, etc)

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On 04/26/2012 06:34 PM, Claude Jones wrote:
> On 04/25/2012 06:10 PM, Steven Stern wrote:
>> I'm using Windows XP in Virtual Box, mainly because I had a spare
>> license for it.  I give it 1.0GB  and it does OK.
> surely, you must mean 10GB - I just spent considerable time yesterday
> struggling with space issues on two XP VMs that had been allotted 10 GB
> - unless the OP is really struggling with space issues and is absolutely
> certain they will never install much on their XP VMs, I would recommend
> 15 GB allocations - hard drive space is cheap
1GB (memory) and 30GB (disk).

-- Steve
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