Re: Can't install nvidia drivers at runlevel3

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The drivers generally exist for MacOS and Windows. So installation is no big
sweat and avoids esoterica such as trying to figure out how to use a mother-
board raid 5 configuration under Linux. (I've done it. It took a lot of
reading and a basic understanding of RAID. For Windows - it just works if
you install it with the desired driver, which the motherboard manufacturer

You are telling a fellow his video card will not work. I've never encountered
that with Windows. I have, twice personally, with Linux.

I won't get into why I think this happens. That's a different argument that
is generally quite unproductive.


On 2012/03/23 15:25, Reindl Harald wrote:
the other OSs just work?
who told you?

they only do because the manufactoror put a driver
CD in the package or the OS is preinstalled

install windows without additional drivers on
a brand new Sandy Brdige machine and i bet half of
the hardware will not work - install linux and ALL
hardware is working out of the box

why are you saying OSs when you mean windows
or can you install MacOS on any hardware?
or will another OSS system work on not supported hardware?

seems you do not realize that Linux is these days
the OS supporting most hardware of all out of the
box and you must do something terrible wrong buy
unsupported hardware

Am 23.03.2012 23:10, schrieb jdow:
In that regard the fellow MIGHT try nouveau. But my experience with nouveau
is not exciting either. Video worked - nVidia sound was absent. YMMV. The
other OSs just work.

On 2012/03/23 14:54, Reindl Harald wrote:
who cares the leading desktop OS

i PRAY it will never be, there were made way too
much mistakes to satisfy user who are not willing
to learn and think what they are doing

if you buy hardware which is not supported by your
OS who the hell is resposible for your mistakes?

"a lot of money" is laughable speaking about
a graphics card

Am 23.03.2012 22:50, schrieb jdow:
Reindl, the solution to Linux problems should not including spending a lot
of money on new hardware. No wonder Linux is not the leading desktop OS.


On 2012/03/23 07:43, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 23.03.2012 15:40, schrieb Lawrence Graves:
I don't know what happened but I am now unable to install nvidia drivers downloaded from Had no
until the latest kernel was introduced. Please advise or help.

in other words this happens since update to kernel 3.3
well, i guess the bvidia drivers are not ready for it

get rid of nvidia graphics

the current intel sandy brdige are working fine out
of the box with 3D effects - do not buy hardware
which depends on third-party drivers or do not use
a bleeding-edge distro if you like BLOB drivers

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