On 06/03/12 06:30, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 03/06/2012 07:09 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
On 06/03/12 05:15, Ed Greshko wrote:
OK.... You have an unmodified ~/.bash_profile and a slightly
different ~/.bashrc from my fresh install. The differences are not
significant. The bottom line is that in ~/.bashrc you have if [ -f
/etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc Which should source the file. The
place where the setting of PS1 takes place is here....
# Turn on checkwinsize
shopt -s checkwinsize
[ "$PS1" = "\\s-\\v\\\$ " ]&& PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
Basically it is saying.... if PS1 is set to '\s-\v\$ ' change it to
'[\u@\h \W]\$ ' .
So, it would seem, one of 2 things are going on. Either the file isn't
being sourced or it isn't set as expected.
What I would do is modify /etc/bashrc to ....
shopt -s checkwinsize
echo "PS1 is set to $PS1"> /tmp/huh
[ "$PS1" = "\\s-\\v\\\$ " ]&& PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
And then perform an su -.
Ok, is this what you are suggesting I do?
shopt -s checkwinsize
# [ "$PS1" = "\\s-\\v\\\$ " ]&& PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
echo "PS1 is set to $PS1"> /tmp/huh
[ "$PS1" = "\\s-\\v\\\$ " ]&& PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
I am suggesting that you *add* the single line
echo "PS1 is set to $PS1"> /tmp/huh
directly after the line reading
shopt -s checkwinsize
In your next email you seem to have done what I've suggested and
bash-4.2# cat /tmp/huh
PS1 is set to \s-\v\$
It does that ...
You said you have this....
bash-4.2# ls /etc/bashrc*
/etc/bashrc /etc/bashrc~ /etc/bashrc.wrkng
I don't know what /etc/bashrc~ since I don't have one on my system.
Maybe move that to /tmp or something and try again?
I don't know but "/etc/bashrc~" may be peculiar to the text editor I have been using for years. e3, e3em actually which emulates some Emacs commands. The tilde indicates a backup copy of the changed file. I don't trust that so I made one too, /etc/bashrc.wrkng
I also note that "ll" doesn't seem to work. That is also troublesome
since it would seem to indicate a problem with sourcing the files in
/etc/profile.d. You do have a /etc/profile file?
bash-4.2# ls /etc/profile.d
bash_completion.sh colorls.sh lang.sh vim.csh
colorgrep.csh gnome-ssh-askpass.csh less.csh vim.sh
colorgrep.sh gnome-ssh-askpass.sh less.sh
colorls.csh lang.csh udisks-bash-completion.sh
There is an /etc/profile file but it is long, can send a copy if you
want to see it.
Another thing to try.... Move /etc/bashrc.wrkng back to /etc/bashrc
and then "su -". You'll have the "bad" prompt. But then type ".
/etc/bashrc" and see if there are any error messages.
Did that and re-booted since there was no immediate change.
[bobg@box6 ~]$ ssh bobg@box9
bobg@box9's password:
Last login: Tue Mar 6 07:20:06 2012
[bobg@box9 ~]$ su
bash-4.2# su -
-bash-4.2# . /etc/bashrc
[root@box9 ~]#
No error messages!
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