Corrupt PV (wrong size)

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GOAL: Retrieve a KVM virtual machine from an inaccessible LVM volume.

DESCRIPTION: In November, I was working on a home server. The system boots to software mirrored drives but I have a hardware-based RAID5 array on it and I decided to create a logical volume and mount it at /var/lib/libvirt/images so that all my KVM virtual machine image files would reside on the hardware RAID.

All that worked fine for a while. Later, I decided to expand that logical volume and that's when I made a mistake which wasn't discovered until about six weeks later when I accidentally rebooted the server. (Good problems usually require several mistakes.)

Somehow, I accidentally mis-specified the second LMV physical volume that I added to the volume group. When trying to activate the LV filesystem, the device mapper now complains:

LOG ENTRY: table: 253:3: sdc2 too small for target: start=2048, len=1048584192, dev_size=1048577586

As you can see, the length is greater than the device size.

I do not know how this could have happened. I assumed that LVM tool sanity checking would have prevented this from happening but....

I tried to migrate the data from the corrupt PV1 to a newly added PV3 and then drop PV1. PV1 is not full and PV3 has enough space to be a migration destination.

Unfortunately, is seems that using some of the LMV tools is predicated on the kernel being able to activate everything, which it refuses to do.

Can't migrate the data, can't resize anything. I'm stuck. If course I've done a lot of Google research over the months but I have yet to see a problem such as this solved.

Got ideas? Know an LVM guru?



vg_raid {
id = "JLeyHJ-saON-6NSF-4Hqc-1rTA-vOWE-CU5aDZ"
seqno = 2
status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"]
flags = []
extent_size = 8192 # 4 Megabytes
max_lv = 0
max_pv = 0
metadata_copies = 0

physical_volumes {

pv0 {
id = "QaF9P6-Q9ch-bFTa-O3z2-3Idi-SdIw-YMLkQI"
device = "/dev/sdc1" # Hint only

status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
flags = []
dev_size = 419430400 # 200 Gigabytes
pe_start = 2048
pe_count = 51199 # 199.996 Gigabytes

logical_volumes {

kvmfs {
id = "Hs636n-PLcl-aivI-VbTe-CAls-Zul8-m2liRY"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 50944 # 199 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 0



vg_raid {
id = "JLeyHJ-saON-6NSF-4Hqc-1rTA-vOWE-CU5aDZ"
seqno = 13
status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"]
flags = []
extent_size = 8192 # 4 Megabytes
max_lv = 0
max_pv = 0
metadata_copies = 0

physical_volumes {

pv0 {
id = "QaF9P6-Q9ch-bFTa-O3z2-3Idi-SdIw-YMLkQI"
device = "/dev/sdc1" # Hint only

status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
flags = []
dev_size = 419430400 # 200 Gigabytes
pe_start = 2048
pe_count = 51199 # 199.996 Gigabytes

pv1 {
id = "8o0Igh-DKC8-gsof-FuZX-2Irn-qekz-0Y2mM9"
device = "/dev/sdc2" # Hint only

status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
flags = []
dev_size = 2507662218 # 1.16772 Terabytes
pe_start = 2048
pe_count = 306110 # 1.16772 Terabytes

pv2 {
id = "NuW7Bi-598r-cnLV-E1E8-Srjw-4oM4-77RJkU"
device = "/dev/sdb5" # Hint only

status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
flags = []
dev_size = 859573827 # 409.877 Gigabytes
pe_start = 2048
pe_count = 104928 # 409.875 Gigabytes

pv3 {
id = "eL40Za-g3aS-92Uc-E0fT-mHrP-5rO6-HT7pKK"
device = "/dev/sdc3" # Hint only

status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
flags = []
dev_size = 1459084632 # 695.746 Gigabytes
pe_start = 2048
pe_count = 178110 # 695.742 Gigabytes

logical_volumes {

kvmfs {
id = "Hs636n-PLcl-aivI-VbTe-CAls-Zul8-m2liRY"
status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
flags = []
segment_count = 2

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 51199 # 199.996 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv0", 0
segment2 {
start_extent = 51199
extent_count = 128001 # 500.004 Gigabytes

type = "striped"
stripe_count = 1 # linear

stripes = [
"pv1", 0


I do have a intermediate versions of the /etc/lvm/archive files produced as I tinkered, in case they might be useful.

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