On 2/19/2012 7:28 PM, Gabriel Ramirez wrote:
the rpms installed on my system are:
I have a Hp c7280 to detect it with hp-setup I have:
- select Network/Ethernet/Wireless network
- select Show advanced options
- enable manual discovery
- type the ip address of the printer
You provided the necessary piece of info that I overlooked (as we would
say in the States .. "Bingo!").
I had all the rpms, but what happened was I got fooled by the
"system-config-print cups hpijs" setup through admin->printing in which
it was able to search and find without my doing anything. I was trying
the Network/Ethernet/Wireless expecting the same. I looked in the
advance options for an alternative rather than thinking of using it "in
addition to". As I had already realized I needed the printer to be
static IP and got that done this morning, I did the "manual discovery"
and it worked. I would say hp-setup found it but its more like your
suggestion was "stopping looking all over, its right under your nose at
this address!".
When I print something (an html, for example), I am now seeing two
instances of the printer ... the one created through
"system-config-print cups hpijs" and a second created to hp-setup. I am
assuming that I can delete the first and that the whole "system-[...]"
sequence could have been skipped in favor of hp-setup. I want to test
with a bunch of different situations, plus do on both F14 and F16 (I
just tested with F14 as its beside me and not downstairs ... I've gone
up and down them so many times, I've gotten my manditory exercise for
the day!).
The great part was that when I ran the scanner tool, xsane immediately
found the HP 7510 and scans like a champ. Mind you, the HP 7510 won't
scan directly to the Linux box as it only wants to acknowledge where the
"official HP software is" (the XP box), but that's academic as I have no
problems with do all scans as "pulls" rather than being able to "push"
--- I usually pull scans from my XP rather than start the process out on
the printer/scanner. I did reboots to make sure it wasn't a matter of
something needing to be kicked.
Tomorrow I'll run the full set of tests.
I really really thank you (assume html bold/italic here). Though it may
seem obvious to use the "manual" option, I was too deep into trying to
figure out all the different things that might be happening that
"obvious" was just not in my range.
My thanks also go to Terry for all his help. Everything worked per his
advice once the "obvious" was painted on the side of a big barn for me
to see.
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