Re: [mosty OT] trollfilter software

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On 01/01/12 10:39, Frank Murphy wrote:
> On 01/01/12 10:26, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> You know, I don't think anybody should feel the need to justify what
>> type of email system they use or what tools they use to manage their
>> email traffic.
> I do agree with you.
> But, I felt an explanation was warranted here.
> In case someone new to mail comes along,
> and believes he is primitive for using
> this method over that.
>> Shouldn't we all be happy that Linux/Unix and standards offer us more
>> than one choice?
> +2012

Everyone has there preferences of how they want to use their email, and
so they should, after all it's there email, if someone wants to use POP3
rather than IMAP, or IMAP instead of POP3 then that's upto them.

Everyone is different in one way or another, some users prefer to delete
all emails once read, others prefer to store them in folders, others
prefer to download them, others prefer quick access etc. It's really all
down to the person, and their priorities and needs.

No one should be told what to do with their email.

Personally, I prefer IMAP, but that's me. But I also prefer to keep
*everything* I have some ~122+ folders/subfolders all with filters where
mailing lists go in their own folders, paypal to it's own, to
forums to there own (for pm notification etc)... I go a bit overboard
with them I admit, but everything is the way I like it, I use about 1GB
of my gmail quota, I have yearly archived emails (only from inbox)
dating back to 2005 (I lost a lot due to a pop3 email client/server

Personal emails to me, go direct to my inbox, everything else filters to
their own personal folders (assuming it warrants one).

My system mail gets moved from my systems local dovecot/postfix setup to
my gmail account (also in sub folders..), and emails from my contacts
will get copied to a separate email account which is light to use for my
phone (so if my phone screws it up, I loose nothing..)

I do download emails for backup purposes still though, only inbox, and
system mails not mailing lists etc, they stay as only headers downloaded.

I simply couldn't use POP3 at this point, I have far to many emails, I
would never be able to switch mail clients, or computers easily. Put it
this way, one mailing list's folder alone, has some ~30,000 emails
sitting in it, it would not be practical for me to have to download all
of those every time I switched computer, or recreate my folders etc.

But to my point here, they are my needs, and my reasons for using IMAP,
I'm sure others do similar, or completely opposite, but that's the
point, everyone does what suits them.

There is no right or wrong way to use email. It's all down to that
persons needs.

@Frank, This email was not directly aimed at you, I simply used your
email to reply to :-).

PS: Sorry for any grammar issues etc.. I'm still recovering from last

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