"F14 is EOL, so why report something for a version of Fedora that is no longer maintained?.."

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Re: A couple of repeatable ways to freeze-up Fedora..

    "Patrick Lists" <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [Add]
    "Community support for Fedora users" <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Wed, 28 Dec 2011 3:13 PM (23 hours 37 minutes ago)
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On 29-12-11 00:06, Linda McLeod wrote:
> A couple of repeatable ways to freeze-up Fedora.. which is probably
> related and linked to other unsolved problems in Fedora..

1) F14 is EOL so why report something for a version of Fedora that is
    no longer maintained?

2) if you were to see a bug on F15 or F16 instead of posting it here
    you should report it on https://bugzilla.redhat.com but only after
    you have verified that it has not already been reported.



Because F-15 & 16 are the Pits..  They are so yuk! & thht gaudy, they
nearly make me lose my cookies trying to run them..  I tried 15 & 16 for
a day and a half each, and couldn't take any more thht in the face.. 15
& 16 make me feel like I'm stuck back in the prehistoric days of Windows
crap OS's.. 15 & 16 are barely functional for pix work, quality
artistry, and custom preference configuring.. That insane desktop is a
nightmare to use.. Gives one the same feel "as did the first day of her
period, wearing white slacks".. 15 & 16 fight the user all the way..
That horrid desktop feels and runs like it's made exclusively of
window's viruses...  I'm stuck with F-14 because it works like I breathe
and beat and blink.. F-14 lives with me.. it feels like it's made for my
needs..  15 & 16 feels like "it's the collage spinning above a baby's
crib".. 15 & 16 feels like the software writers are trying to emulate
Windows OS's, and that's "sick".. 16 is disgusting to use at best.. 
Sorry for the harsh truth, but it is the truth...

I post Linux concerns here, because I figure if I find glitches in F-14,
they are probably in 15 & 16, and might get fixed.. but there aren't any
update downloads for 14 any more, which means it's probably fallen by
the roadside.. oh sigh, & darn...  RH/F should keep 14 going till they
can see it to flush the vile W-XP crap out of F-16, and bring it back to
a Linux OS...  

RH should determine how many users 15 & 16 have pushed away from the
Fedora project..
One could find the figures, in how many IP's downloaded F16, to how many
of those aren't updating F-16, determining the ones who gav-up on
Fedora, because it just got too crappy and kookoo.. Robots would
probably like 16.. but real people sure couldn't.. Trying to run 16
would be like trying to get your cell phone working after it fell into
the pool... 
Sorry for laying it out as too-much reality for you.. but I says it like
I feels it.. F-16 just makes me feel ill, F-16 Stinks!.. 14 feels like
it's made of love and life..  16 feels like it's made of fresh doodoo...
 Flush 16!, we are surfing for other distros.. Real Linux OS's that
haven't let us down by dragging us through the broken glass, piss, and
rot of kookoo world's gaudacious useless facade...
Scream and cry if you must...

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