Sorting Shotwell files..? & "people bugs".. & resizing icons in home-dir..?

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How do I configure Fedora-1 to bring-up shotwell's slideshow
automatically up on the desktop at boot, starting with the last pix that
was showing..?


A clean living computer-user health-tip: 
The world is right in the middle of a full-blown serious "chigger, mite,
and bedbug plague"..  99% of human itches are from microscopic-spiders
Proof: Dab a tiny bit of petroleum jelly "vaseline" on an itch.. If the
itch disappears in about 20-seconds, it was a feeding spider-mite that
ran out of oxygen, and died from the grease blocking its air intake.. it

If you use public keyboards, like at universities, hospitals, coffee
houses, and such, and happen to notice horribly itchy hands and nose
just a few minutes later, that's spider-mites feeding..  They feed by
injecting digestive fluids into a cell.. the cell explodes, thus the

Solution:  Get to the computer store, and purchase one of those new all
rubber indestructible roll-up USB silent keyboards for about $20, or a
"clean keys" keyboard for more $..  Take it with you to the public
computers you use, and just plug 'em in, and hope they work if they
aren't Linus OS's...  
While you're at it, you might want to bring your own mouse too..  
I try to avoid public seating.. When I can't, like a doctor's office
waiting room, or public computer seating, or restaurant, or bus or taxi,
I place a clear clean leaf-bag over the seat, to prevent "itchy bum",
from those heavily mite infested seats.. No sense in bringing mites into
the home if you can avoid it with a little care and caution.. is why
some houses have "mud-rooms", and "guest houses"..  You'll live longer
and healthier.. and might even make it to download and run the ISO
"Fedora-50 Blue-Streak" one day.

In my "bugs research" I concluded that approx. 30% of all human disease
are spread by spider mites...  

There's a super insecticide product on the market, that works well on
this problem.. "Konk Insecticide Foam", but it definitely isn't for
But it doesn't have the same vile odors and fumes conventional
insecticides do.. I konk-spray, and bleach, nearly everything I get from
garage sales and flea markets, with the stuff, especially old computer
towers after I've air-pressure blown the dust out from up-wind, to
ensure I'm not bringing blood-sucking pests into the house, given that
mites and bed-bugs are now prevalent in every city and town on the
planet these days...  

This be just a word to the Wise, to help my Linux "brothers and sisters"
live more comfortable, healthier, and longer...


Is there Fedora-14 code to enable the user to pull a re-sized icon off
the desktop to home-dir, with the icon remaining as small or large as it
is on the desktop..?  In Ubuntu the user has the controls to shrink
icons in home-dir..  I wonder why this feature isn't in Fedora..?


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