Re: /var/log/messages

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On 2011/12/22 14:19, Reindl Harald wrote:

On 22.12.2011 22:16, jdow wrote:
Careful sir, you just stepped into the brown pile the doggie left.

One could observe that Windows tends to get this right. One could observe
your attitude matches with "It was hard to write, it should be hard to use!"
One could observe that this is a sign of acceptance of sloppiness. And there
are more things one could observe about your comment that reflect poorly on
you or Linux. Your arrogance seems to have tripped you up, sir.

if you call it arrogance to check what i am doing before, while and
especially AFTER a dist-upgrade so i am arrogant - better this than
doing anything without verify

Most people have bog standard setups and if Fedora is not being sloppy these
people should find upgrading is usually a do it and everything comes up
working as before. The thought that anything less should be tolerated without
comment, or that those commenting on it are somehow subhuman, is not
acceptable, itself.

Now, recently I took a machine running a very old Fedora - 8 - and moved up
to Scientific Linux 6.0. I prepared for that the way you described. The old
machine IS the backup. And it's running my local DNS/DHCP service, my own
rather customized iptables script, and other services. With that big a step
I figured my config files would be "advisory" only and I'd have a lot of
work to do. Some of the work, though, falls into the "it should just work"
category and was a several month pain until I got selinux beaten into
submission but still running. Joe mentions his audio problems. I have a
rather amusing one. If I am playing some music from the internet and
do something else that produces boops or beeps or even sound of any sort
the audio will go silent on one or the other of the stereo channels until
I reboot. It's our firewall machine and we both telecommute. Reboots are
a PITA. And this problem is right along the lines if "it works so let's
fix it" thinking instead of the more proper "it doesn't work so let's
fix it." It's as if somebody gratuitously redefined "work" and then  provided
a substitute that's flakey. THAT cannot be handled with your preparation.
And certainly David D. Desktop should not have to go through either your
gyrations or mine.

(Joe MIGHT have been wise to move to 15 from 14 then move to 16 from 15 as
the upgrade path would have smaller changes. 14 to 15 might have properly
caught his syslogd problem. I'm not looking forward to the day the RHEL path
adopts systemd. It sounds like more problem than solution.)

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