"RE: F14 login fails on backup copy; gdm error?"

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Yo Joe..

Quoting:  "I don't know what you're doing to make Fedora fail often..."

I do..  I published that "I saw the three whites in the eyes of several
politician candidates during the last national election, and that I
don't want druggies running our nation and our lives"..  Suddenly my
phone was being bugged and glitched, and my PC's OS's were being
destroyed, one to two times per week, usually a few minutes after I
posted anything new on the Net, is why I post on this crapper computer
only, reserved for internet, then I immediately pull the net-wire from
the tower, just in case the g'rilla is awake... 


"And, if my suspicions are right, it's either a bad USB 
port or keyboard that's giving me grief..."

If the thing runs 24/7, it's fans are pulling-in a hell of a lot of
dust, especially when the floors are being swept..  Your problem reads
like the CPU's fins and fans are plugged solid with computer killing
sticky dust..  If it ever crashes for seemingly no reason, it definitely
is dust accumulation...  While you're at it, check out the dust in the
kitchen fans, and in the bathroom fans, and change the furnace filter...
 If you're experiencing a lot of dust, you might want to take a couple
of cheapy furnace filters, cut them, and duct tape them into a filter
box for the tower, with a large hole where the fans evacuate the tower,
so to filter the air that gets into your computer...  

Another bad thing for computers is to set them on the bed, so that the
soft plush cloth material blocks the fan vents.. Maybe mfgrs should vent
bedroom notebooks at the sides..?  

As bad, is to drag notebooks across fuzzy bedding.. it will pull-in the
bedding material's lint in a lint-storm, thus seriously plugging fins
and fans in very short order.. 
Makes me wonder, what's the average lifespan of a notebook that spends
most of its life sliding around on a soft fuzzy bed..?  How many months
does it take for the average bedded notebook to nuke its CPU, or its
logic board, and/or its hd..?


"For the vast majority of users, Fedora, like any mainstream Linux
distro doesn't keep going tits up on you and needing reinstallation. 
Instead of spending so much time on disaster recovery, you might
consider spending a little time finding out just what it is you're

It's "blackhats" doings.. "Government bullies".. "Dictator's henchmen"..
They still haven't woke up to any love-reality..  They're living in a
series of self-destructive delusions, pushing a wake of destruction,
having fun driving a nation.. They defend their almighty delusions with
electronics, terrors, tortures, poisons, and weapons... My "off the top"
posts force them to think, to process, new thought beyond their 7%
conditioning permitted thought-processing ceilings..  Thinking new
thought makes their heads ache migrainish, as did "overload studying"
for them..  They are "fighting the headaches" by destroying my PC's
OS's, and my life...  They can't handle anything new.. It hurts their
heads to see how little of reality they actually have grasp to.. If they
can't steal something, it isn't worth anything till they can..  They
always break that which they are trying to steal.. They prefer to
maintain the life's fall & collapse, perpetually drugged up, doped-up,
asleep, numb, dum, and cozy, like "embraced close to mummy's warm full
tit"...  I wake them to a little more reality.. and they try to clamp
onto my tit to feed..  I shake them off..  they really don't like that..
almost as much as they don't like to be woke-up to anything new... Then
why don't they just not read my posts, if newness hurts them..?  
It's as if hell itself is desperately trying to pull me down, so the
bottom of the barrel will feel its precious "equality of the soup"
again, by devouring everything around itself, like a maggot does,
without the need to process any more frightening new thought too far
from mummy's attentions and lap, blankie and bawbaw...  It's their way
of asking for help...  Violence is all they know...

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