Re: Hello to everyone

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On Thu, 2011-12-01 at 09:55 -0500, LinuxIsOne wrote:
> Hello,
I get it. "Linux is one", meaning that Debian=Fedora, and we name them
differently because or religious matters. Well thought and good one.
That means you have a high IQ. Hello and welcome to this list!

Going a little bit further, I realize that God needs to be unique in
order to be God. If God is one, LinuxIsOne=Linux is God. Nice hidden
message in your nickname. You are highly creative and religious. Welcome
to this list.

I also realize that your name is an affirmation instead of an adjective
or a meaningless word. Also comprehended that you do not use your name
in any part of your mail. That combination could mean you are changing.
Trying to liberate yourself from your present and feeling like a pupa
about to become a beautiful butterfly, which will soonly spread the
wings and touch the sky. Like that killer Buffalo Bill in the movie The
Silence of the Lambs... get it? hah? hah? get it? So I conclude you
could have some serial killer instincts. You could be a dangerous
person. So welcome to this list, I must ask you kindly to please don't
kill anyone.

Also realized that you have mistaken the Fedora List and the Debian
List. See? I can think as well or better as anyone! I'm trying to
improve my IQ, cause I envy people like you. Any way, as I said, If you
mistake this both list names could have 3 reasons: a) you made a typo
because you have big fingers b) You are using a shitty mail client like
Outlook or ccmail c) you use a web mail client. I will say the probable
answers are c), a) and less probably b) (if you are a serial killer with
strong fingers, God save us. I mean, Linux save us!). Trying to follow
the logical path, I'd say that if you use a web mail client, you use
google. That is confirmed by the meaningful fact that your email ends in And if you use gmail, I would say you have a computer with a
powerful processor. That means you are rich, and probably a relative of
any Wall Street stock broker. Tell him I hate all of them. But you are
not to blame. You are welcome to this list. 

I didn't analyzed the subject of your message, probably contains many
hidden misteries and deserves to be analyzed. Particularily, the use of
the abbreviation "Re:", coming from an interesting person like you... Im
sure it doesn't mean "Reply" as anyone else's or  "Reject", when I use
it. It MUST abbreviate something important.

> Hello to the Debian Community.

Hello and welcome. You will find more people of the fedora community
than the Debian community in this list. 

> Thanks.

For what? 

Sorry for making fun. A truly welcome.

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