Re: windows migrant: choosing linux distribution

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Marko---really liked the pleasant and balanced reply---excellent!
LinuxTyro---glad to see you replying to all the posts, keeping engaged, and having an open mind.

From: Linux Tyro <fedora.bkn@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Community support for Fedora users <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: windows migrant: choosing linux distribution

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Marko Vojinovic <vvmarko@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

(1) WELCOME to the Linux community!

(2) Don't hesitate to ask for help. This mailing list is a great resource of
information and is followed by people who are seasoned linux users, as well as
freshmen. That said, don't get offended by some nervous people telling you to
"do your homework", point you to, and such. We have all been
beginners once, and those who cannot tolerate beginner's questions should not
be taken too seriously. ;-)

Yes, that really is good thing, beginners like me sometimes could ask some silly questions (it may be due to not use of Linux ever) but always happy to get the answer.
(3) It's actually a good idea to do your own research before asking a question
here. Look up the topic in google, search the mailing list archives, read a
man page (those are the "instruction manuals" for a whole bunch of stuff in
Linux), etc. Expect a learning curve, regardless of the distro you choose.
Some things that are trivial in Windows (like, play mp3 music) are quite
nontrivial in Fedora (only the first time you try it, of course), and vice
versa. The difference between Windows and Linux is not just the security, names
and price. Migrating to Linux means that you need to change your way of
*thinking* about how a computer can or should be used.
For example, the idea of graphical user interface (a GUI) in Linux is just a
commodity that is sometimes frowned upon. In contrast to Windows, where GUI is
the *only* user interface available, in Linux mostly everything can be done on
the command line (the CLI, or shell prompt, or console, or...). Learning to
use it is one of the best ways to learn Linux. In Windows the "MS-DOS Prompt"
is basically a thing of ancient history, and has no serious function in the
system. This is just one of the *conceptual* differences you are about to
encounter. Filesystem permissions and "don't log in as root" is another. If
you have used only Windows so far, your complete knowledge about computers is
about to be challenged, and you should expect that and embrace it.

I agree with you. I came to know that how Windows used to ties the hands, even without using Linux. However, I am not from technical field of softwares, and also was not Windows admin or something like that, but still with a great surety claim that Linux is Linux, Windows is nothing in front of it - in any aspect you can compare. 
Finally, the choice of actual distro to start learning is quite immaterial.
Any will do. What you should plan, however, is the strategy to stick to some
distro for a while (say, 6 months), and then switch to another, in order to
compare and learn what is the same and what is distro-specific. It doesn't
really matter where you start from... ;-)

Yes, perhaps any distro would give me the basics of Linux.


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