Re: Creating partitions

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Am 23.10.2011 16:57, schrieb Miguel Cardenas:
> For years I used to create 2 primary partitions, SWAP and EXT3, but now I found that Fedora 
> requires a different layout with more partitions like other *nix operating systems that distribute 
> the space in more areas for home, root, usr, etc.

fedora REQUIRES nothing but a partition

you can even use a single partition without seperate boot
you can manually define a partition layout in anaconda

/usr is SURELY not required and not recommended for several reasons
and not part of teh default partition scheme - per default fedora
would install LVM (a not so smart default)

but it is not wise to have /home on the same partition as the system
if you ever want to reinstall it and a small /boot is also wise because
look back at times where / as ext4 was possible but not for /boot

[root@ns2:~]$ df -hT
Dateisystem   Typ     Size  Used Avail Use% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sdb1     ext4    6,0G  1,2G  4,8G  20% /
/dev/sda1     ext4    494M   20M  475M   4% /boot
[root@ns2:~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)

[root@buildserver64:~]$ df -hT | grep -v tmpf
Dateisystem   Typ    Größe Benut  Verf Ben%% Eingehängt auf
rootfs      rootfs     15G  4,8G   10G  33% /
/dev/sdb1     ext4     15G  4,8G   10G  33% /
/dev/sda1     ext4    190M   43M  148M  23% /boot
[root@buildserver64:~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)

> I still don't like the idea of an independent boot
> partition but let's do it in the Fedora way... 

/boot on a own partition doe snot hurt and offers more flexibility
but it is not required

so, I want to know if this layout may work for me... I want to ask
> before doing it to save hours of installation just to try and see the results...
> #1 PRIMARY type 0c (Win95 Fat32 LBA)
>      A - SWAP type 82
>      B - BOOT /boot type 83 (linux ext3)
>      C - ROOT / type 83 (linux ext3)

why will anybody use ext3 these days instead ext4?

> And one additional doubt... Fedora worked fine on this laptop but just bought a new one, it comes with Windows7
> preinstalled and want to keep the original system backed up... Do you think it is safe to use Clonezilla for any
> modern hard disk? My doubt is because I have a relatively old IDE disk (80Gb) that after restoring a Clonezilla
> backup it does not boot anymore, I guess it is due a possible different geometry interpretation by my installed
> linux and the Clonezilla bootable linux, since the disk is ok and works always perfect...

you can even boot with a live-cd and make "dd if=dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=16M" and make
a bytewise clone on an additional disk or even use dd over a pipe and ssh to clone
a whole machine including a raid10 - linux is not as stoopid as windows if hardware

> And, after the backup, during the Fedora installation, it asks how to use the hard disk, there is an option to
> shrink a used partition, but would it work with Win7? As far as I know a NTFS partition can not be shrinked... is
> it possible? can you comment something about this?

be advised to make a full backup!

NTFS can be shrinked all the last years and current gparted is supporting it
but maybe winodws is too dumb to recognize the change and will not boot

can not say anything about this because i never use windows outside vmware

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