No, I don't want to maximize my window

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In my opinion, one of the most annoying, obnoxious, and irritating behaviors in Gnome 3 is its in-your-face maximization of the window I'm dragging, when I move it partly off to the side of the screen. When I'm dragging the window, and the pointer reaches the edge of the screen, Gnome decides to maximize the whole thing. It appears to think that I'm trying to tile the window against one of the screen's edges, so why not maximize it?

That never made any sense to me, and I always thought that this was a stupid thing to do. But one thing that always puzzled me, and I couldn't figure it out, is how someone could've even gotten this kind of an idea in the first place. To me, it just came completely out of the left field. Yes, when I'm dragging a window partially off screen, that's really exactly what I'm trying to accomplish: I want to maximize it. Huh?

I often move windows partially off the screen when I want to recover some real estate for something else. So now, instead of staying, inobtrusively, off to the side, the damn thing takes over the entire display. It's exactly the opposite of what I wanted to accomplish. Instead of gaining empty screen space, the window I just dragged just takes it over.

I now have to retrain myself to drop the window before my mouse pointer goes all the way to the edge. It's annoying. It's irritating. And it bugs the hell out of me.

But I was always curious about the thought process that went into this. Where? Why? How? It just seems so naturally wrong, but someone must've thought that this is what the user really wanted to do, and I was always curious to figure out how that thought process developed. And I'm wondering whether anyone else was wondering the same thing.

Because I just figured out exactly what happened here. Which left field this bizarre behaviour came from.

My new employer gave me a work laptop, loaded with Windows 7.

This is what Windows 7 does. This user behavior is new in Windows 7.

So, naturally, Gnome must ape Windows, and imitate every stupid thing that Windows does.


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