Re: "fans seems to work fine" & "It's not enough that they spin"...

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Re: strange behaviour of my desktop

"yes, fans seems to work fine..."

"I'll add the obvious:  It's not enough that they spin, there has to be
airflow through the heatsink that the fans blow across, and throughout
the cabinet.  Also, heatsinks need to make good physical contact with
what they're attached too."


Worded twice as good as I could have.. "perfect!".. 

Adding to it:  There's a LOT more to the "bad-fans syndrome"..  

If you sweep the rooms while the computer is running, some of that
airborne-dust will be sucked into the tower..  Dust in brass
fan-bushings causes heat build-up, which bakes the bearing surface, and
bakes the dust into abrasive carbon, which is essentially "ultra-fine
sandpaper", which wrecks bearings and bushings, which is why
corporations spend $millions on clean-rooms for their computers...

If the tower is set near a hot air vent, the fans will pull-in heat, and
heat what they're supposed to be cooling...

You know the CPU fan is failing, and/or plugged with dust, when the OS
crashes every hour or so...
You really know the CPU's heatsink is seriously dust plugged, when you
smell hot dust and overheated electronic components, emitting from the

If the tower is set near a cold air vent, the fans will pull-in airborne
dust whenever the computer is running...

Open your towers, and check to see that the fans are silent, and the
CPU's heatsink is absolutely dustfree.. If the fan is plugged-up with
dust, your computer will eventually bake its hd into trash...

Every old tower that one acquires, the first things to do are:  Don't
bring it straight into the home.. Bleach wash the case, then open it
outside, upwind of it for-sure..  Those things are dust and bug
collectors..  Bedbugs is nearly a global epidemic now..  Mites is
already a global epidemic...  Use air pressure, plus soft brush, to
clean the tower inside.. Try to be upwind of the dust, that stuff is
seriously bio-toxic.. Bleach what you can...  Don't spray it with bug
sprays..  Those sprays melt plastic, and damage eyes...

Maybe someone could invent, build, and sell "tower dust cover boxes" to
be set on top of towers, so all the air the tower gets is already
filtered dustfree...  Add a plastic duct-pipe for the tower's exhaust..
Not good to restrict cooling fan exhaust...  Maybe RedHat could patent
this filter-box, and make some good money on it.. a gift for allowing us
to use this wonderful Fedora gem for free...
Maybe there should be a link to send RedHat our ideas for them to make
money with, in return for the great love they are sharing with humanity
and you and me, in the form of "Fedora"...

-- - Does exactly what it says on the tin

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