Re: how do I play this file?

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2011/9/1 Michael Hennebry <hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, Manuel Escudero wrote:

> 2011/9/1 Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> On Wed, 2011-08-31 at 15:24 -0500, Manuel Escudero wrote:
>>> is it a "swf" file? ok... You have 3 ways to do it:
>>> For just viewing:
>>> 3) Click with left button of the mouse, hit "Open With" and Open it
>>> with firefox.
>> May not work...  Some players, like "mplayer" can play Flash videos.
>> Though, if what you've downloaded is a Flash player, rather than the
>> Flash video (that the player would have played), or some other sort of
>> container/referral file, you'll be out of luck.

> Of course!! that's it! what tim just said is the answer... (Btw Yep, the
> Firefox Method
> Worked) and Yep, it actually is a SWF File but it plays only "a fullscreen
> black" because what you've
> downloaded is a Flash Player, the SWFObject player that web developers use
> to embed Flash movies
> on a webpage... That's why it only is 20K also, it's only the player without
> the "SWFObject" library and without
> the video itself...
> See, the "retrieve from cache" method works (or at least used to work) with
> youtube videos, as when they play,
> they actually "cache" (note the use of the word as a verb) among other
> things, the original video... When the video stops
> loading, it is on your cache and you can retrieve it in MP4 usually...
> Megavideo Caches the videos in SWF for example but files are way much larger
> than 20K.  when a webpage play flash videos, most of
> the time they use the "SWFObject" method and one of the things that is
> "caching" in the background is the SWF Player, that is the thing
> you just downloaded...
> See, there are more easy ways to download videos from web, if you can, tell
> me what you were trying to grab and I'll help you.
very preferably including the subtitles.
The English title is When Father was Away on Business.
I actually have a DVD of this,
but I suspect the youtube version of being clearer.
It's more than two hours long, which is why I was practicing on ,
which is less than 15 minutes.
They have different "share" mechanisms.
The big one just gets a link back to youtube.

Michael   hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

They're all Youtube Videos for what I'm quickly reading... That's Good!!

Well, you can use "Minitube" or "ClipGrab", Not sure if one of them has
support for subtitles... As far as I remember Minitube Doesn't and clipgrab
does not install in it's final release under F15...

What I would do in your place is Downloading and installing
minitube with "sudo yum -y install minitube" and then I'll use it
to download the videos without subtitles, after that, you can download
the subtitles track separetly from internet and then in a player such as Smplayer or maybe VLC
you can put the subtitles into the video while watching.

Hope that helps!

Manuel Escudero
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