On Aug 16, 2011 6:04 AM, "Paul Allen
Newell" <
> Greetings
> I am trying to figure out how to get communication between
my F14 boxes
> on a local wired LAN. The best test case I can come up with
to prove
> that I don't know what I am doing wrong is telnet.
> Each machine has a /etc/hosts looking like (where
<name> is the machine
> name and <other> is any other machine:
> +++
> <name> localhost.localdomain localhost
> <name>.localdomain localhost4
> ::1 <name> localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
> <other1>.localdomain <other1>
> <other2>.localdomain <other2>
> <other3>.localdomain <other3>
> +++
> For the other machines, its name is removed in the
192.168.10.x list and
> <name>.localdomain <name> is added
> Each machines has a /etc/sysconfig/network of:
> +++
> HOSTNAME=<name>.localdomain
> +++
> I didn't see any reference to <name> or
<otherX> in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, so I am not
including it ...
> if there should be something, I'd love to know! I can't
think of any
> other place for <otherX> or
<otherX>.localdomain, but that's out of
> ignorance as I haven't encountered this sort of problem
> The splash screen for all machines is
<name>.localdomain. The command
> hostname returns <name>.localdomain.
> Ping works great between all of the machines for both
<otherX> and
> <otherX>.localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address
like a happy camper
> should
> But a telnet <otherX> 25 or telnet
<otherX>.localdomain 25 fails.
> I can't tell if I need to add information about the other
> somewhere else on <name> or if they really are known
but something is
> blocking it.
> I also can't use mail/mailx between the machines. I noticed
> mail/mailx always resolves <otherX> to
<otherX>.localdomain (and sending
> to self is resolved to <name>.localdomain), so I
changed network to use
> the localdomain suffix and added it in /etc/hosts before
the instance of
> <other>. Neither telnet or mail/mailx worked with
just <name>, so I am
> pretty certain that I didn't break anything by changing
<name> to
> <name>.localdomain.
> Some machines were already using hostname of
<name>.localdomain and my
> records aren't good enough to know how I specified the name
of the
> machine when I installed F14 (it never was an issue as
everything worked
> until I tested mail/mailx and telnet so I never documented
exactly how I
> should set machine name on install).
> It seems that the telnet problem is a simpler one than the
> and if I can at least get telnet working, then I am closer
to getting
> mail/mailx working.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
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