Re: Installing F15 without any active network?

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On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 9:49 PM, Aaron Konstam <akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I am glad to drop it but 2 people said they had done the installation
> without having setup networking right after entering the host name.
> Since you never got to the adding repo stage their setting up networking
> at that point in the installation that seems irrelevant. You seem to
> ignore their testimony and don't want their help so investigate away.

Indeed there is little point in talking about setting up repos which
were further down the line beyond where the problem occurred for me.
The point in the install where the fail for me occurred was when
clicking "next" when the bootloader setup screen was visible. The only
options that had been set at that point were keyboard, language,
timezone, and the disc partitioning if I remember right (and of course
a root password) - there was a window that popped up asking to
configure the network based on the existing NIC on that computer - but
without any allowable DHCP options that would work it would seem the
sensible thing at that point was to cancel the network setup - but the
system then only allowed the option to exit the installer at that
point - hence further progress was not possible.  I don't know if that
was because the ethernet cable was attached to the NIC but the
accessible DHCP server was setup not to allow it to serve an address
to the MAC for the NIC - or if there was some other problem. Clearly
Ed said that he was able to move past that point installing to a VM
but that may not be the same as with an install to the real hardware
with the same situation that I found.

I suppose I could have physically unplugged the network cable which
would be a different situation compared to having the network cable
plugged in but the network not accessible. Anyway I was away from that
machine today (it belongs to someone else who had asked me to help him
install) - but he mailed me from another machine saying that the
machine is now registered with the LAN database so when I next go to
help him install it will likely just continue as normal - if I had
time I would try to see what would happen with the network cable
physically unplugged but I will only have a minimal time to install
and configure the machine.

Anyway thanks for responding even if it was not possible to get to the
bottom of the problem - the main reason for posting in the first place
would be to flag a possible problem that others might meet - and
discussion can then lead to other seeing a solution - in my case I
knew that after a day or two the problem would go away once the
network became live for that machine -

I will try an install on a machine at home without any cable attached
for networking, and without any wireless set up for access and see
what happens - maybe I will see the corresponding problem there - in
which case I will probably just enter a bz with as much detail as I
can get.

mike c
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