Re: Upgraded F14 -> F15, now how do I use this?

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On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 09:02:17AM -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 06/08/2011 08:49 AM, Steven Stern wrote:
> > I also use avant-window-manager to add a mac-like dock to the bottom of
> > my screen to hold application launchers and icons for open applications.
> Is it just me, or does anybody else feel that it's Just Wrong to have to 
> install third-party addons to give Gnome 3 the same functionality that 
> Gnome 2 had?  I can accept (but not understand) their decision that 
> these things shouldn't be there by default, but why not make them an 
> option?  Please, no flames; I'm not trying to restart that argument, 
> just making an observation.

 Well clearly the Gnome developers don't want to maintain the prior

As a programmer, I can't blame them, or not much.

but as a user, I find it to be akin to yanking the rug out from under.

I'm hoping I don't come across as ranting here, I'm just trying to 
show some of the frustrations with such a massive change.

I've spent only a little time messing with Gnome 3/F15, but I admit I
found it frustrating.

I've run Fedora on my eeepc (901) since F10, and it is now running F14.
I've been playing with other fedora spins, and one or two other distros
to see if I can find one I like enough, and with which I am sufficiently
comfortable, to use instead of stock fedora/gnome.

I've got f15 LXDE on one system and while it works, I'm not entirely
comfortable with it. perhaps I've just not spent enough time.

I've tested Bodhi on my eeepc (via an external usb hard drive
installation) and while it seems to run very well, I'm finding the
UI presented by Enlightenment to be not intuitive to my old, tired,
gnome2-oriented brain. (not to mention, the different world-view of a
debian/ubuntu-derived system. E.g., why are there four or five different
tools for updating the system/installing packages? the man pages don't
seem to give clear reasons for the multiplicity, or maybe I've just not
looked hard enough.)

I will stick with F14 until one of: 1) it goes unsupported, or 2) I find
something else I like well enough to switch, and that probably won't be
gnome 3.

I've toyed with F15/KDE via live CD, but it's been many years since I've
run a KDE system and I find that I also am not entirely comfortable with
the changes in KDE either.
---- Fred Smith -- fredex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -----------------------------
  "For him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his 
 glorious presence without fault and with great joy--to the only God our Savior
 be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before
                     all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."
----------------------------- Jude 1:24,25 (niv) -----------------------------
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