Re: Speakers don't Mute when headphones are plugged in (Speakers & Headphones at the same time) :S

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2011/5/27 Manuel Escudero <Jmlevick@xxxxxxxxx>

2011/5/26 Manuel Escudero <Jmlevick@xxxxxxxxx>

2011/5/26 Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 00:49 -0500, Manuel Escudero wrote:
> it doesn't matter wich device I choose as output, the PC simple don't
> mute one or another and my headphones and speakers sound at the same
> time,

I recall, on one sound card, going through the preference available in
the volume controls, and finding a "detect headphones" switch. ÂWhen
enabled, that sound card would notice when headphones were plugged in.

That was on a (much) older Fedora release, but it's probably still
something to look for.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored. ÂI
read messages from the public lists.


@Tim: Yep, Older releases had more configuration tools
and options about sound, now it's kinda "universal" stuff,
it has been like that since F12 I believe... in F11 we still had
the "system-sound-configuration" tool or something like that,
not anymore in F12,

Also the wierd integration of ALSA + Pulseaudio makes the
sound "harder to configure in an expert mode" because we don't
have the right files in the right folders, we don't even have "alsaconf"!
(And don't get me wrong here, The "universal alsa+pulseaudio mashup"
works for almost every computer I tried, but not in mine and it hasn'tÂ
over the months), the thing is, in F14 I was able stop my problem with
a simple click in "Pavucontrol" and now I can't...

Look, I don't want the 5.1 Ch HD Audio the computer can deliver,
I'm happy with the only two I'm getting But please, please! I need separate
headphones and speakers :)

Yesterday I was asking on IRC at #fedora and they only told me to "Google it"
and "File a Bug", I've been googling it for almost 2 years and I never got
a better solution than the pavucontrol one, but it doesn't work anymore...

Any Suggestions? Thank You.

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@Blogger: (Xenode Systems Blog)
PGP/GnuPG: E2B4 31CE F2BF 1944 8664Â 3E22 88C8 DFC9 4D7C 1B35

No one? well, I filed a Bug:

Hope someone can help me, thanks!

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@Blogger: (Xenode Systems Blog)
PGP/GnuPG: E2B4 31CE F2BF 1944 8664Â 3E22 88C8 DFC9 4D7C 1B35

@Everyone: I'm happy to say I SOLVED THE PROBLEM!! (sadly no one had the solution, I had to found it all by myself)

The solution was to find my chip on this list:Â

and try one by one the different modules that where available for my chip, (Actually the "stack's correct one" didn't work, so I had to try them all;)To try & solve I had to create this file: "/etc/modprobe.d/snd_hda_intel.conf" and then I had to find this other file: "/etc/modprobe.d/dist-alsa.conf", then I started adding the classic "options snd-hda-intel model=xxxxx" in those two files, restarting for each change of model until my headphones/speakers problem got solved. at the end, Finally it worked with one model (Not the REAL MODEL/brand of the device or even PC, but it worked) and now when I plug headphones, the speakers mute, don't even need to use pavucontrol.


<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@Blogger: (Xenode Systems Blog)
PGP/GnuPG: E2B4 31CE F2BF 1944 8664Â 3E22 88C8 DFC9 4D7C 1B35

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