Re: Not enough info, so no point

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On Tue, 2011-05-31 at 17:44 -0700, JD wrote:
> On 05/31/11 16:25, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
> > Sorry to say this, but after some of the jaded comments you've made in
> > the past I don't hold you in high regard.
> I have been seeing a lot of complaints about F15.
> This tells me that this release was made in too much
> of a hurry (only ~6 months after release of F14 around
> near mid Nov. 2010).

And that's different from the release period of 6 months from F13 to F14
how? Or F12 to F13?? Fedora is _not_ production ready. It was NEVER made
to be a reliable and tested platform. It's where we live up to true open
source, release often and release early. We identify the issues and work
on making the software better. WE here means community - it means
working together. Us that are not code contributors need to help out
too. By testing, reporting our findings (not "it doesn't work" but REAL
debug information); help provide documentation and in other ways help
improve the quality.

And you're totally right - by the time we catch up, it's time to move
on. That's the nature of Fedora. We don't have a LTS of Fedora - unless
you consider RHEL Workstation as such (and I don't). But as you may
know, a lot of the cool NEW stuff isn't part of that distribution for
the reasons I just mentioned. You can't have it both ways. Stable and
tested software is not state of the art. And it takes quite a bit of
resources to keep a supported LTS around and Fedora choose not to go
that way.

> Seems to me not enough testing was done before release.
> Let's hope F16 will be more solid.

There never is enough time. And that's on purpose. The release itself
should be considered a QA candidate all the way to EOL. Each release
builds up experience to improve the next.

Each Fedora release is supported by updates for 13-some months. You do
not HAVE to go directly to F15 right when it's released. It's your
choice to stay on F14 for another 6-7 months - and you'll still get
updates and you can still help making things better by providing
feedback and fix issues on that version. It'll all help to improve F16.
F16 will be better, but don't expect F16 to do things differently than
things were done for F14 or F15 (or earlier). It's still going to be
bleeding edge, and you'll be chancing your system failing by using it.
Of course as we learn about Fedora and Linux most of us are able to
diagnose (with or without community help) and find solutions or
work-arounds to problems allowing us to use Fedora as our permanent
desktops. But not without expecting a hickup now and then (particular on
"upgrade day"). 

Best Regards
  Peter Larsen

Wise words of the day:
Linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
	-- ksh@xxxxxxxxxxx put this on Tshirts in '93

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