Re: Protected WLAN

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On Sun, 2011-05-22 at 16:43 -0700, JD wrote:
> Is there a tool or set of procedures that can identify
> the source of an attack before it succeeds?

It it only takes milliseconds to break in, what are you going to be able
to do about it?  (If you're meaning for the device to tell YOU that it's
under attack, for you to take some action to prevent it.)

But seriously, if an attack on a wireless access point was to be made by
trying out one password after another, that's an easy thing for software
to detect and take some action against.  The trouble is that one
possible reaction is to cause a denial of service to more than just the

At least with wired networking, it's technically feasible that a really
fancy router could cut off one port from traffic.  Unlike wireless which
has one connection, shared between everybody.

Protective measures such as filtering by IP or MAC have all the problems
previously discussed in securing WLAN.  Plus the problem if the attacker
has cloned your IP or MAC, such a method would shut you out as well.

Likewise, it's technically feasible, and desirable, to detect port scans
in progress (e.g. a remote IP is trying out connections to a variety of
your ports).  Again the dilemma of what to do about it...  Block the IP?
What if they'd cloned one of yours?  Or, they could simply try
connecting from a different, unblocked, IP.

> It seems to me that the net is really at the mercy of
> the  wireless router/gateway. If it does not have/provide
> a mechanism to send and alert to a daemon on a specific
> machine about attempted break-ins (such as repeated
> attempts of guessing the passphrase from some specific
> IP address), we will never know of these attempts 'til
> much later, or much too late.

As I outlined at the start, there's not much point in ringing alarm
bells about a break in.  It's too late, by then.  If you're going to
take active measures against hacks, the wireless device has to do it
itself.  Not make an alarm, but repel the attack.

I minimise the chance of (some) problems by setting my wireless access
point so that configuration cannot be done over the wireless
connections, a computer has to by physically plugged into it.  And the
configuration password is different to the connection password.

You can minimise other issues, by using an access point that doesn't
allow one wireless connection to talk to another wireless connection, so
direct machine to machine probing isn't possible.  Though, if they can
connect to your access point, they can still do whatever they're able
to, to the wired side of the access point.  And you may have the need
for wireless devices to talk amongst themselves (peer to peer software,
Samba, NFS, et cetera).

Personally, I wouldn't use wireless unless it was absolutely needed.
That includes not using it *merely* because it's more convenient than

Not only are their security concerns, there's throughput issues, as
well.  It's slower than wired ethernet.  Plus it's like using a hub
versus a switch, everything has to take turns to communicate.  It's not
possible for some terminals to simultaneously communicate between
themselves, while some other terminals simultaneously communicate with
other things.

You go into a school, for instance, and find that their wireless network
is bogged down to being nearly unusable, because there's several laptops
all trying to use it at the same time.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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