Can't dual-boot Fedora 14 on new MacBook Pro?

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I'm trying to install Fedora (dual-boot) on a brand-new MacBook Pro.
The live/installer CD runs flawlessly on the machine, which was a nice
surprise. But after the install is completed, I cannot actually boot
into Fedora. Here is what I did:

1. OS X by default ships with an EFI partition (/dev/sda1) and an HFS+
partition (/dev/sda2). I used Boot Camp in OS X to resize the existing
OS X partition and reboot to the live CD.

2. Once the Fedora live CD is booted, I used the disk utility to
delete the "Windows" partition (/dev/sda3) that Boot Camp created.
This leaves the original EFI and OS X partitions plus a chunk (40G) of
empty space at the end of the disk.

3. Run the Fedora Installer, telling it to automatically partition and
install using the free space on the disk. It creates a 500M boot
partition (/dev/sda3) and an LVM partition (/dev/sda4).

4. When the installer gets to the part about the boot loader, I go
with the defaults, which is to install GRUB to the boot sector of the
Fedora boot partition (/dev/sda3).

After the install is complete, I would expect to be able to hold down
the Mac's "Option" key to choose which OS to boot since /dev/sda3 has
a boot sector, but only the OS X disk shows up. (What does Boot Camp
do, then, besides resizing the disk?)

I read somewhere that a boot loader called rEFIt would help, so I
tried that. I installed it using the instructions on the project's
website and rebooted. An option to boot Linux shows up in the rEFIt
boot screen, but when selecting it, I get a black screen with an error
message along the lines of "no operating system found."

Further research suggested that rEFIt had to "resync" in order to find
GRUB, even though I installed rEFIt after Fedora. I did that by going
into the rEFIt "menu" and answering in the affirmative when it told me
that a resync was necessary.

Now, when I select Linux in the rEFIt boot menu, it only shows a
gray-out penguin and nothing else happens. The lack of output makes
the problem difficult to troubleshoot exactly what's going wrong.
Maybe if I knew more about EFI, I could play around in the EFI shell
provided by rEFIt.

Anyway, has anyone here had success dual-booting Fedora 14 on a newer
Mac, and if so, what procedure did you use? I'd like to install Fedora
to the whole disk, but I'm reluctant to try that until I can get a
dual-boot scenario to work. I you could, please CC my email address in
any responses since I'm subscribed to the digest version of the list.

Thanks for your time.
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