Re: SELinux

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On 24/01/2011 05:28 ÏÎ, Tim wrote:

< snip >

>  It's impossible to keep it away, when you're having to deal with
>  things that can only be bought, or paid for, over the internet.
>  Likewise with other account managing scenarios.

Well we live in different countries so i guess things out there are a
bit different , around here i guess i should say that internet isnÂt
that much intergrated to our lives , so there is no such scenario .
So i guess i will take your word for that matter

>  I've yet to find good anti-virus for Windows.

Well all i can say is that a black hole does exist although u canÂt
see it with your eyes or a normal telescope ( Chandra isnÂt a
normal telescope ) likewise the fact that u didnÂt found one doesnÂt
necessarily mean that it doesnÂt exist .

>No, I don't care to know, I don't use it any more.

It figures , if u really wanted one , you would have found it even by
accident .

>  I and don't provide support to other people using it any more, either.
 >I like being able to tell suffering Windows users who ask for my help,
 >"sorry I don't use it > any more, and can't recommend anything to you."
 > What I would> consistently find were the following:
>  Viruses getting through completely unnoticed, since the viruses are
>  always developed well ahead of any anti-virus developments.

That is because they are supposed to be developed that way . If there
was an antivirus that could heal all viruses then there wouldnÂt be any
need for further developing antivirus software .

>  Viruses getting through despite the anti-virus software being able
>  to recognise it. You'd get a warning that "you have been infected,"
>  and then you had to waste lots of time to disinfect. Where, what we
>  expected is for the anti-virus software to stop the attempt.

Well if the antivirus software doesnÂt have the antivirus signature then 
is noway that it would prevent the infection . If u donÂt know that 
something is
out there in front of u , u canÂt avoid it . That would be quite normal .

>  Viruses being unremovable because Windows wouldn't let you modify
>  /that/ file at the moment. But, the virus was allowed to modify
>  /that/ file.

Sorry but thatÂs a bit flawed . If you had keep some touch with Windows 
u would
know that there are boot viruses , which load ahead of the system and of 
course the
NTFS driver . The NTFS driver is the one that locks the partition 
containing the system
which causes the nightmares and thatÂs the solution to the problem also .

>  The anti-virus software being a complete pain. Making a system run
>  slowly, causing ordinary software to fail, and being a convoluted
>  nightmare to use it.

Well i donÂt know if SELinux makes a computer far slower but SELinux would
be equally a nightmare and by all means before the last update of the 
policies , as normal user i was unable even to start X Windows so letÂs 
skip the
argument about software failing due to the antivirus but yes if u wish i 
have run
into problems due to the antivirus blocking things but then again the 
solution was
only a minute away and far more easier .

One last note since i forgot to mention it earlier . The thing with the 
computer at home
is that has mostly personal data for the owner of the house and so the 
damage would
be limited to him but on a working environment there are databases with 
clients data , the
logistics department has databases with personnel data , ..... . So if 
such a database was
compromised then the losses would be far worse ( ok granted u would 
replace the database
from a backup ) because the data of the personnel / clients would have 
leaked to the
hacker , .......... so i do believe the side effects of such thing would 
be far more worse .

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