Re: Some Fedora 14 nitpicks

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On Wednesday 12 January 2011 18:13:58 William Case wrote:
> Compiz
> 1) make it one package

yum list compiz*
Installed Packages
Available Packages

What exactly do you propose to merge here?

> 2) fix compiz so that 'place' works with Firefox.
> 3) mesa-dri-drivers should be more explicit about what driver to use for
> what. I wasted over an hour before discovering I needed
> mesa-dri-drivers-experimental to run compiz.

yum list mesa-dri-*
Installed Packages
Available Packages

So I run compiz without the experimental drivers, and it works. So in general 
I'd say you *do not* need them. But I guess that depends on the graphics card 
you are using, and open/closed source driver for it. I use intel over here, 
and don't need experimental drivers.

> Emerald
> 1) give me a menu dialogue so with one check mark I can install 'emerald
> --replace' wherever it is needed - like the 'Desktop Effects' menu icon
> in Preferences.

Not sure exactly what you mean since I don't use Gnome, but AFAIK the best way 
to start both compiz and emerald is to start fusion-icon. There you have a 
simple option in the menu to use emerald or some other decorator. That is the 
only place I click, and emerald starts automatically. Is that what you want?

N.B. Starting compiz with fusion-icon is (afaik) *different* than starting it 
via "desktop effects" button or whatever is meant by gnome-compiz 
"integration". You are not required to use that integrated environment, you 
can just run compiz natively.

I don't know what are all the differences in the two approaches. But for 
example, IIRC, configuring compiz is done from the gnome preferences when 
compiz iz run integrated, while it is done from ccsm when not integrated. And 
such differences. The best way to try it out and see what is actually different.
Create a new user with default gnome system, no desktop effects or anything. 
Then yum install fusion-icon and start it from the menu. Compiz will 
automatically get loaded, and you'll get the fusion-icon in the system tray, 
from where you can access ccsm, set up emerald or some other decorator, tweak 
some options, and so on. Then compare and contrast that environment to the 
usual one where you start compiz from the Gnome "desktop effects" button (or 
whatever it is in the preferences).

With the caveat that I use KDE and not Gnome, I found the fusion-icon method 
to be the most convenient way of setting up and running compiz and emerald, 
with minimum hassle. Everything Just Works (tm) as I expect it to. I set up 
the fusion-icon to load at startup when I create the user, and forget about it 
until I reinstall Fedora in one year. It really cannot get any simpler, IMHO. 

> Sessions manager.
> 1) It has taken me well over an hour to chase down what some of the more
> obscure programs and names are starting.
> 2) I found a site that gave me a description and suggestions of which
> services I should automatically start on boot or login.  Everybody's
> need is different, but release notes or some Fedora Documentation should
> outline the use of session manager and services.

As far as boot services go, you can use system-config-services. It has a 
reasonable GUI, where you can click on every service and read its description 
and purpose in the appropriate part of the window. Then decide whether you 
need it or not, and start/stop/enable/disable.

As for the session services that start after you login into Gnome, that's a 
completely different question. :-)

HTH, :-)

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