Re: Computer transplant -

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On Wed, 2011-01-05 at 10:01 -0500, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> This computer has developed problems and I have elected to replace
>     it with another used computer which FedEx should deliver in a few
>     days. I know I can transfer file from one to the other but is there
>     any hope I could simply install these hard drives and boot from
>     them. That would save me the effort of a lot of configuration.

This is a hard question to answer without a lot of details - in short,
the answer is always "it depends".

But presuming your old and new computer can interface to the same type
of harddrives - for instance most modern computers have both SATA and
PATA on the mobo. So if your old computer is PATA and new computer SATA,
simply take the hard-drive out of the old computer and install it in the
new one. Do this AFTER you have installed an OS and otherwise got your
new system ready. After this, it's a simply matter of copying files from
the old to the new drive. Once done, you can disconnect the old drive
fully and simply use the new system.

If the two computers are 100% compatible in hardware - cpu, ram, cards
etc. an option is to simply install the old drive in the new machine and
boot. But that is rarely possible. Also, your old computer may not be
the newest OS and by trying to use old releases you may not find it very
easy to use your newer hardware.  So it's better to simply install F14
on the new box and transfer your /home files over after the fact. It's a
bit of work, yes - but it's worth it.

If your old hdd has a separate partition/volume for /home you can dd it
over instead of copying it. The danger here is, that your new system may
want different security labels and you may take advantage of the
situation and want to clean things up a bit; dd takes everything dirt
and good stuff alike. But dd sure makes moving from one hdd to another

If the first assumption is wrong - that you cannot install the old hdd
in the new box, you can do one of the following: use the old computer
networked to the new one, and transfer files that way or get an external
enclosure that's compatible with your old drive, and mount the drive via
USB to your computer. This is rather slow but will work.

>     I suspect not but wanted to ask before doing anything else.

Better safe than sorry. 

>     I hesitate to shut this computer off, It comes on sounding like a
>     jet engine in my quiet room, fans running full bore and does not
>     POST. I changed the power supply, it ran ok for a week or more, I
>     figured I had it fixed until the problem returned with a vengeance.
>     I can get it to run by pulling off a fan plug and reinserting it
>     although that fan does not appear to be the problem. Too much,
>     simpler to buy another used box.

Sounds like a heat issue? Keep the box turned off for longer periods and
see if it solves anything. Remember, you can also take the hdd out and
install it elsewhere and bypass that problem all together. 

Best Regards
  Peter Larsen

Wise words of the day:
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
	-- Unknown source

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