Re: About programing, a general question

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Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> hi,
> If one has to start from the scratch, from the zeroth level to do the
> programing, which programing language one should start with? In the
> ocean of the languages, to start with is really very typical. Can one
> justify it. Some say Python but again they say it is Perl which is
> better every time then the Python. Some say to start with C or C++ but
> again some emphasis to use Java or C#. Many say to go for .Net and VB or
> COBOL and some say to learn web based programing like HTML, PHP,
> ASP.Net. In this ocean who is just starting to learn which one he should
> prefer?
> Many say that what is the purpose of learning, then I say that to have
> the basic understanding of how exactly we can handle the machines like
> the CPU. Not to generate the big projects for the management processes,
> not even banking system but to know the basic of programing like how to
> handle the machines at the first, for that purpose, for the the scratch
> level purpose and for the one which is good even for Linux, what
> programing language should one like me, initiate?
The first thing you need to understand is that a programming language is a 
*tool*, and after four decades of programming I can tell you that choosing the 
right tool makes the job vastly easier. C is great for operating systems and 
tools and has good data types, perl is an example of a language without types, 
and can do strings and light networking stuff quite well. In general assembler 
is so seldom used that other than (maybe) device drivers, device drivers, test 
software, and similar you can skip it.

Beware learning one "best" language, if you only have a hammer everything has to 
be a nail. Currently I think C++ is most likely to have fanboys who think it 
does everything, but there are lots of others, and when someone says "there's a 
trick for that," it often means the language doesn't provide an obvious tool to 
do what you want.

Since you asked, one language: perl, three: add C and javascript. Read some 
FORTRAN and COBOL programs to see how they work, you don't need to write for 
them. I never found Ada to be the best tool for anything, although I wrote about 
5k lines of it one year because a contract required it. Who better than a 
political science major with an MBA to pick programming languages?

Good luck.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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