Re: About programing, a general question

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On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:03 PM, Barry <txscope@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The reason you have heard so many answers is because the question you
ask can represent so many different questions. If I understand you
correctly, you want to know about the machines and what they can do.
Programming languages are only a part of the picture. They are the means
to communicate with the metal. The low level languages are indeed closer
to the metal, and require you to deal with memory and such. They require
more knowledge of networking protocols, and more of lots of things. All
sophisticated programming requires a lot of math.  Higher level
languages take you farther and farther from the metal, but let you do
some rather elaborate things quickly and easily. It all depends on what
you want.

But forget COBOL -- no jobs, not interesting. And HTML is a markup
language for displaying documents; it's not a programming language.

It's not a bad idea to think of schooling. CS courses expose you to a
lot that you'll never get from just  fooling around.

I have been away from the ocean of programing language, but (apart from my job) I am trying to start learning a new language (for the sake of interest to know more about the technology), so wanted to understand the the basic principles keeping in my mind that I have to learn Linux in future, of course because of its thousand times for security as compared to the Windows OS. So as in future, I would be turning towards Linux, I guess C would be good (based on the suggestions of the community members) though I always understand that there are principle which are to be grasped at first and these are same irrespective of the language adopted via interest. Possibly, C++ would not be that easy to start with (without knowing C!!) as it is merely the 'More C', what guys comment. Perhaps, taking the first priority as Linux, I hope I would not be having bad luck if I starting with C and simultaneously look into the basics of Linux too.

If you say for Bash, I don't know but ask if it is an independent language like C or just supporting scripts for Linux?

Yes, many members suggest me C over Python too, for the beginners but as someone claims Python is simpler and faster and not that low level as like C, the mother of many languages!


Parshwa Murdia
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