Re: usb name in /dev

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ke, 2010-12-15 kello 13:57 -0500, fred smith kirjoitti:
> As a totally wild guess, maybe it's /dev/sr1? (see the line
> immediately
> above).
> if it did get automounted, the default behavior would be to both (1)
> put an icon on your desktop, and (2) open a browser window into the
> root
> of the filesystem on that device.

It's a common problem with Huawei and ZTE (ONDA) USB-modems. The OP may
provide us with the exact model to be sure. But the usual case is that
those devices are initially made for windoze (and macos probably). The
build-in flash memory auto-detects itself as CD-rom and windoze user
should click the button in some kind of pop-up to confirm the
installation of the driver. In some cases modem requires
auto-reconnection from connection program every 30 seconds. Summary, it
won't work on Linux without additional configuration. Normally one can
deal with it in two ways:
1. by using usb_modeswitch
2. or flashing the modem

First way is preferable if you're planning to use this modem both under
Linux and windoze (i.e. a friend or your boss gave it to your for
vacation ;-). In any other cases I would recommend the second item in
the list above. Anyway, before using usb_modeswitch one should install
it. Yum/rpm is a preferable method as it will automatically create all
the necessary udev rules for you. Probably you'll have to
modify /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf. Use google to find the right values of
device-specific settings in it. To connect to the Internet you'll have
to create a Mobile Broadband connection with NetworkManager or to use
something like ppp, kppp or wvdial with mobile provider specific
settings to dial the number.

Second way is a bit tricky but the result is (in most known cases)
working modem, supported by recent Fedoras out of the box. You should
eject the fake CD it plays. As it was already discussed, it's /dev/sr1.
You can simply umount it if it displays its icon on desktop or in
nautilus (assuming you're using gnome). After that the new links will be
created under /dev directory: /dev/ttyUSB*, where /dev/ttyUSB0 is your
modem (probably zero at the end, but you'll have to ensure that with
dmesg after CD ejection). Then you'll have to send modem-specific
AT-command to that device. Utility like minicom is useful for this task.

The OP really should search google with the exact model. Chances are
high that with most popular models step-bu-step guides are available.
HTH, Hiisi
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