Re: Game suggestions from the over sixty crowd?!?

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On Monday 13 December 2010 22:22:46 William Case wrote:
> Hi;
> I thought I would like to try a game.  The Fedora Repo list gives about
> 60 at least.  I am over sixty, not decrepit yet, but certainly don't
> want to continually loose to a reflexes based game.
> What I think I would like (or some combination of some of the criteria
> listed)
> a strategy based game; empire or kingdom or city building; more based on
> natural economic or societal criteria; perhaps an enemy or two but
> enough time between attacks to create a city or whatever, a good test of
> strategic thinking as well as occasional tactical reactions.  I don't
> think I want an internet game, but I have never tried so that is kind of
> an open question.
> Is there anyone out there of my age that has found a Linux or Fedora
> game that is engrossing and fits at least partially my enumerated wish
> list.

Oh wow, well now this is interesting... :-) What you have essentially 
described is the

*the* most popular online strategy game out there. A social phenomenon, so to 
say. :D

Granted, it's an _online_ game, but an amazingly addictive one. You play with 
(and also against) other real people on the net, tens of thousands of them, 
and try to plan your strategy and development more efficiently than others.

The link above points to the main international server, which is mostly for 
the expert players, so I recommend you find one of the other servers (local to 
your country for example) where you can stand a chance as a beginner, and 
learn all the tricks of the game.

The goal is to build the World Wonder, a monument marking a peak of the 
civilization, and whoever does that first wins the server. One round typically 
takes a year or so to complete, on a normal server. On speed servers 
everything is basically the same, but happens 3 times faster, for the more 
experienced folks. IIRC, the winner also gets some real-world prize (maybe 
even money, but I'm not sure about that).

My advice is to join some normal server mid-game, seek out friendly neighbors 
and alliencies, and learn how to play using advice from others, as well as 
plenty of online tutorials out there. In the meantime, watch for some other 
server which is in advanced stage of the game to be restarted. Then join that 
restarted server and start fresh from the beginning. With experience from the 
previous game and your own organizational skills, you stand a chance of not 
being overrun by too many others, and if you team up with high-quality 
players, you will see the whole game through to the end, and may even 
contribute to the construction of the WW.

I am currently engaged in my third server (ie. third game) so far, on one of 
the local servers in my country, and so far I have accumulated enough 
experience to maintain my place in the top 500 players on this particular 
server. It's a hard game, requires a lot of patience, a cool head and a sense 
for strategy, planning, teamwork, diplomacy and social skills. And it doesn't 
consume too much of your time, unless you want it to. :D

As I see it, it fits your wishlist quite well. Feel free to try it out! ;-)

HTH, :-)

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