Re: X server crashed in FC14

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On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 15:19 +0900, Abu Attar Musharih wrote:
> I unistalled the Firefox-3.6.12 on FC14 and keep only the Opera. I
> also unistalled the evolution which I never run it.

Last time I looked, which was a long time ago, removing Evolution would
remove lots of other (lots of Gnome) things that depended on it.

How did you uninstall them, and what did it take out at the same time.

> Just after that process, the X server crashed. The screen suddenly
> became dark.

Could be coincidental.  But chances are that you ended up removing lots
of other things that were needed for a graphical system.
> Pressing CTRL+ALT+F2 was able to show the console which I could
> re-login. Now I can not run X server anymore. If I reboot the box, it
> does not show login window. it stops somewhere just before run level
> 3.  Only after pressing  CTRL+ALT+F2 can bring the console up. I
> noticed that some commands of the gnome was missing from the /usr/bin,
> also some gnome modules missing from the /usr/lib/.  I tried to copy
> those from another FC14 box but this did not fix the problem.

This does sound like you removed more than just Firefox and Evolution.
Copying files from one box to another is just going to cause lots of
problems.  One of which is maintaining what's installed on your system.

The RPM database keeps track of what's installed on your computer.  It's
updated by using the rpm command, or yum (the preferred option, now).
It knows nothing about files added or removed by other methods, so
missing file can foul up other things, and additional files may get
stomped on when you next install/update a package.

> Of course I can re-install FC14 again but I am sure that is not the
> only way of fixing it.

In your case, it might be the easiest solution.  Otherwise, you're going
to have to manually remove the files you copied from the other box (can
you remember exactly what you did), and reinstall any essential packages
that were removed when you removed Evolution.  Which may mean you have
to put up with Evolution being installed (it's only a waste of disc
space, and updating bandwidth, if you don't use it; but having an unused
program won't change how Fedora behaves for you).

Other options may be to use something else instead of Gnome (KDE, FVWM,
etc.), which have far less dependencies.  Though it's been my experience
that all desktops insist on installing at least a few things that I
don't want.  I always found KDE to be much more of a behemoth than

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