Re: Fedora14.Still Impossible Internet.More data.

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On 11/14/2010 02:02 PM, Luis Suzuki wrote:
> Well it seems my problem is related with this one:   bugzilla
> 649570.However my NIC is a Realtek RTL 8102E.
> the DHCP discovery packets may not be responded as well.However the
> workaround,
> does not work for me(place acpi=off or pcie_aspm=off in grub kernel boot
> options).
> So,I probably need to completely stop processes that are in charge of
> automatic
> network discovery and configure all,manually from scratch.
> I tried once and it did not work,I did:
> chkconfig NetworkManager off
> /etc/init.d/network stop
> ifconfig eth0 netmask
> /etc/init.d/network start
> Note: my DNS server is auto configured).

Given you are using 192.168.x.x, you must have a router doing NAT.

When you believe your ethernet connection is up, can you ping your
router IP address?  Is your router IP address
Is your router also your DNS server?

Can you please give us the information from the following commands:
ifconfig -a
This will give us a hint if your ethernet interface thinks it's up.
The ping command above will tell us if it's really up and you can ping
your router.

netstat -rn    (or ip route)
Either of these commands will give us an idea of your current routing
table.  We need to be certain isn't some other interface
on your PC.  We need to see what your default route actually is.  We
need to make sure you don't have other routes that are interfering with
your ability to get to the Internet.

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
This will give us a hint how the eth0 interface is coming up...
I assume you haven't put anything special in /etc/sysconfig/network
I assume you don't have any /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route* files

cat /etc/resolv.conf
This will give us a hint of your current DNS information.

If you can ping the router, and the router is your gateway, and you
still can't get to the Internet, we need to know information about the

Is that router configured as a dhcp server for your local lan?

Does that router do DNS for your local lan?
Can you access your router, examine its configuration, and make sure it
is configured to do DNS for your local lan.

Can you access your router, examine the information for its WAN
interface, and insure it has the correct IP address and DNS information
from your ISP?  I assume your ISP is providing you with a dynamic IP
address.  Tell me if I'm wrong.

Please tell us the DNS information your router has from your ISP.
Please tell us the first number of your WAN dynamic IP address, as
in 24.x.x.x, I don't wish you to advertise your IP address in a public
forum.  I just wish to see you have a "reasonable" WAN IP address.

Does your router have any special parental features blocking your access
to the Internet?  Does your router have any firewall rules blocking your
access to the Internet?

We may need to know more information about your ISP...I hope we don't.

If you can get to your router, and your router looks okay...meaning
the LAN side looks okay (correct DHCP, etc) and the WAN side looks okay
(correct IP address and DNS information), I will ask about the ISP.

I will ask,
what kind of Internet connection are you using?  xDSL, cable, etc.

Does your ISP require you to "log in" to their web site to validate your
Internet connection (MAC address) the first time you try to get to the
Internet with a new device (is the router a new device as far as the ISP
is concerned)?  I had a cable company that did something like that...I
don't have that cable company any longer.

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