Re: err:wineconsole:WINECON_Fatal Couldn't find a decent font, aborting

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2010/8/30 James Mckenzie <jjmckenzie51@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> "Joshua C." <joshuacov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Actually I need to run a simple batch file. That's why I used a
>>kde-livecd-f14-x86_64 and installed wine-core.i686 wine-wow.i686,
>>wine-common and wine-fonts. All dpendencies were pull automatically.
>>Wine works fine but when trying to start "wineconsole cmd" I got the
>>error message.
> Interesting.  I don't get that error on my Mac.  However, I did run winetricks allfonts on it.  I think you stated you had done this as well?
>>Therefore I decided to use an older version of wine and tried the
>>f13.x86_64 livecd and installed exactly the same 4 packages. You can
>>find the current versions in the repo.
> Since I don't have a 64 bit system, but can do exactly what you just did, I'll give it a try, soon.  I have to get the FC13 'stuff' and see what happens.
>>I remember that I did the same thing about 2-3 months ago and then I
>>didn't get this error. That's why I posted here to see if someelse has
>>had this problem.
> Was this on FC13 or FC12/13 (if you can remember.)
>>Actually winconsole cmd doesn't work for me and wine does. That's
>>strange.To test it just grab the lasted livecd and install the
>>aforementioned packages. Trying different fonts didn't help either.
> Interesting because on my Mac, I had to do the opposite.  Maybe things are different on Linux/FC13.  Will find out quickly.
> And my apologies for sounding like a snob, but the more information provided up front the faster we, as voluteers, can provide you with assistance.  Otherwise, we have to make assumptions and mine were incorrect.
> It is interesting that a batch file is throwing these types of errors though.
> James McKenzie
> --
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I found something very interesting. As I said eralier I tried the same
packages some months ago and everything worked fine. So I just tested
all the packgaes until i found the "working" one. To clarify before I
start: wine works fine but the "wineconsole cmd" throws the error
about the missing font.

This is what I did:

I tested this on the f13-kde_livecd.x86_64

1. Install wine-core.i686, wine-wow.i686, wine-fonts, wine-common.
2. start wineconsole cmd WITHOUT starting winecfg before it
3. the error occurrs.
4. The only "working" package is 1.2.0-0.6.rc6. After installing it
and going through the steps 1-3 wineconsole shows that it's "Building
font metrics". After it has finished I can upgrade to the latest
1.3.1-1 and it works just fine.

if I delete the .wine directory AFTER the installation of
1.2.0-0.6.rc6 then the error occurs again and I have to go back to the
rc6 in order to enumerate the fonts.

This makes me believe that this font-enumeration writes something to
the .wine directory that's being used by the later versions. after
installing and starting the rc6 all other versions work fine, until I
delete the wine directory.

The change log for the rc7 packages says:
* Sun Jul 11 2010 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
- 1.2-0.7.rc7
- version upgrade
- make sure font packages include the license file in case they are
installed standalone

I assume that the latest patch somehow assumes that if the fonts have
already been installed (separately) then it doesn't need to enumerate
all of them. As a result of this it doesn't write the "necessary"
information in the wine directory which cause wineconsole to throw the
error message.

I hope someone can better figure out why all the later verions work
only after installing and starting rc6 before them. Maybe this can
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