Re: Creating an Audio only DVD from several CD's

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  On 08/11/2010 12:50 PM, linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:36:30AM -0700, JD wrote:
>>    On 08/11/2010 05:34 AM, linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 05:28:51PM -0700, JD wrote:
>>>>     On 08/10/2010 05:15 PM, Michael Miles wrote:
>>>>> linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>>>> Maybe a solution to this would be to put the wav files on a Video-DVD
>>>>>>>     and leave the video directory empty. This would however only give you
>>>>>>>     a sample rate of 48000 Hz instead of up to 192000 Hz as specified for
>>>>>>>     a DVD-A. But then at least you could play the DVD on most any
>>>>>>>     DVD-player. I am going to try that tomorrow.
>>>>> This is about the only way I could get this to work.
>>>>> It's a shame but the big problem is the Media companies. Mp3, aac, ogg,
>>>>> any of the lossy formats are ok with them but lossless, mo way they make
>>>>> it hard. No real support for probably one of the better music
>>>>> formats.... DVD-A.
>>>>> The work around is DVD-Video with out the video. Use in a 4 hour long
>>>>> play and it gets a few cd there (5-6)
>>>>> Kdenlive works
>>>> So, how do I create a DVD-Video without the Video, but with only Audio?
>>>> KdEnlive can do that?
>>>> Guess I need to read up and the how to!
>>> Hello,
>>> Well, my steps to make a Video-DVD containing mainly audio are as
>>> follows:
>>> $>   ffmpeg -loop_input -t 2000 -i display.jpg -i 1.wav -r 44100 -target pal-dvd -aspect 4:3 1.mpg
>>> $>   ffmpeg -loop_input -t 2000 -i display.jpg -i 2.wav -r 44100 -target pal-dvd -aspect 4:3 2.mpg
>>> $>   dvdauthor -o testdvd -x dvd.xml
>>> $>   cat dvd.xml
>>> <dvdauthor>
>>> <vmgm />
>>> <titleset>
>>> <titles>
>>> <pgc>
>>> <vob file="1.mpg" />
>>> <vob file="2.mpg" />
>>> </pgc>
>>> </titles>
>>> </titleset>
>>> </dvdauthor>
>>> EOF
>>> $>   growisofs -Z /dev/sr0 -dvd-video testdvd/
>>> The resulting DVD+RW (as I said before, I am having strange problems
>>> creating DVD+R but no problems with DVD+RW) plays on vlc as well as on
>>> my Denon DVD-player.
>>> Leaving out the video encoding doesn't seem to work, so I gave a photo
>>> as a loop input into ffmpeg.
>>> However, it seems as if by the point all the audio has been encoded,
>>> in ffmpeg's display the frame number keeps rising, but the size of the
>>> resulting mpg file does not increase anymore. I need to press q to
>>> stop ffmpeg encoding, and then I need to give it a shell interrupt
>>> because it does not react anymore.
>>> Surely there must be an option which I have missed on the command line
>>> of ffmpeg to tell it to stop loop_encoding the photo when the end of
>>> the audio is reached. I might have to ask this on the ffmpeg mailing
>>> list.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gabriel
>> Thank you Gabriel.
>> I have seen similar behavior to ffmpeg in ffplay - it just will not stop
>> after the audio has been played.
>> Guess the program writer(s) were not looking for EOF? :) :)
> Well, you have to put the -shortest option to ffmpeg, then it works
> fine. I asked on the ffmpeg list.  Although I still have the
> impression that the video is slightly longer than the original
> soundtrack, there is something added to the end of the file where
> there is no sound anymore, but still video.
Does that not have to do with what wodim or cdrecord or dvdrecord
do in order to pad the audio track to be a multiple of 2352 bytes?
The silence could be that padding.
> Somebody else on that list suggested:
> "what if you knew the trt of your wav - which you must know , ie: it
> is 5 min long , -t 5
> ffmpeg -loop_input -i display.jpg -t 00:05:00:00 -i 1.wav -r 44100
> -target pal-dvd -aspect 4:3 1.mpg"
> I haven't tried that yet.
> If you just want to have audio on the dvd, I think you cannot leave
> out video, but maybe you can just add a blank screen as video.
> Tell me about your results.
I am waiting for your reply to my question re: the xml file content.
How many image file entries do I have to have when I have 36 total tracks
distributed unevenly in 4 dirs under the dir dvd.out?

> Gabriel

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