Re: HTML mail [was Re: FEL was Re: Hi]

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On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 13:18 +0000, g wrote:
> not entirely true.

Which bit?  You quoted nothing.

> gmail composed op's email, which has already been shown, without above
> tags. only tagging used was "< b r >". [without spacing.]

I know.  And as I've already said, those "minimum presumed tags" don't
have to be there, they're presumed to be there, in their correct places,
all the time.

e.g. <html><head></head><body><p>This is a test</p></body></html> is the
same as a bare <p>This is a test</p>, as far as HTML is concerned.

Try it in a browser, and see.  The only difference you may see is caused
by deliberate flaws in some browsers that render HTML slightly
differently dependent on the presence of things like the DOCTYPE
declaration.  That's a browser legacy design cockup, nothing to do with
HTML, per se.  The HTML specs don't say they should behave that way, but
many browsers exhibit their older flawed behaviour without it, and a
slightly more correct behaviour with it.

Strictly speaking, there should also be a <title></title> in the head,
as that's another required HTML element, but it's not going to do
anything, to this case.

But you can create an entire (correct) page without HTML, HEAD, or BODY
tags, and the browser will presume to insert them into their proper
places, based on what HTML you have given it.  Thus...

  <title>A test</title>
  <meta name="description" content="this is a test page">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="example.css">
  <p>I am the very model of a modern Data General.</p>

Will be regarded as if the missing tags were present, like this:


   <title>A test</title>
   <meta name="description" content="this is a test page">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="example.css">

   <p>I am the very model of a modern Data General.</p>


With the HEAD and BODY elements presumed to be in those places, because
things like TITLE, META and LINK elements belong on the HEAD, and P
belongs in the BODY.

Of course, if you screw up the order, like putting BODY parts in the
middle of HEAD parts, then do more HEAD parts, you do create seriously
broken HTML which will fail in some way.  It's not magic, it's just very
basic parsing.  The HEAD section will end at the first element that
belongs in the BODY, and any extraneous HEAD elements (after then) will
be stranded in the BODY section, where they don't belong, and mayn't do
what they were written to do, and may cause other problems.

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