Re: Can one now help?

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  On 07/18/2010 08:35 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Sunday, July 18, 2010 23:35:34 Parshwa Murdia wrote:
>>> the result of "fdisk -l /dev/sda" is as follows:
>>> Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
>>> 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
>>> Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
>>> Disk identifier: 0xfedcfedc
>>>     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
>>> /dev/sda1               1        5737    46082421    7  HPFS/NTFS
>>> /dev/sda2            5738       30400   198105547+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
>>> /dev/sda5            5738        9561    30716248+   7  HPFS/NTFS
>>> /dev/sda6            9562       13385    30716248+   7  HPFS/NTFS
>>> /dev/sda7           13386       15935    20482843+   7  HPFS/NTFS
>>> /dev/sda8   *       15936       15961      204799+  83  Linux
>>> /dev/sda9           15961       28596   101487615+  8e  Linux LVM
>>> I don't know why there is no entry for sda3 and sda4. I guess the linux
>>> root partition to be sda8? or it should be sda9?
> Ok, as an aftermath, for educational purposes :-) :
> * The partition /dev/sda1 is what corresponds to the C: partition on Windows.
> It is the so-called "primary" partition, and only 4 of those can exist on the
> disk. They are named /dev/sda1 through /dev/sda4 in Linux.
> * You don't have any more primary partitions, and /dev/sda2 is instead a so-
> called "extended" partition, which is actually only a "container label" for
> all other partitions that follow, which are not primary.
> * The first partition contained inside the extended one is /dev/sda5 (if the
> number were less than 5 it would correspond to a primary partition, and could
> not be inside the extended one). This one is probably the Windows D:
> partition.
> * As above, /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7 are also members of the extended
> partition, and correspond to your Windows drives E: and F:. Now, somewhere in
> between those letters Windows might stick the CD/DVD drives and assign its
> letters differently. The CD/DVD drives are *not* listed by the above fdisk
> command, and I can only guess how Windows will order its drive letters.
> * The /dev/sda8 partition is also a member of the extended one, and most
> probably the Fedora /boot partition, where the kernel and grub files reside.
> Windows does not show a letter for that one, since it doesn't recognize Linux
> partitions in general.
> * Finally, the /dev/sda9 partition is again not a real partition, but again a
> container like /dev/sda2 (although of quite different type). It is contained
> inside /dev/sda2, and it contains yet more partitions. This container is of
> LVM type, and contains all other Linux partitions (probably root and swap)
> inside. These partitions are not listed by fstab.
> I know it sounds complicated. And believe me, it is. That is what you get when
> you mix very old standards (only four partitions allowed on the disk) with
> patched technologies and new hyped ideas --- you get one primary partition,
> and several of them inside LVM which is inside the extended partition which is
> a bogus primary one.
> Don't ask me how did disk partitioning evolve into such a stupid state. When
> IDE disks were being standardized (long time ago), nobody dreamed that one day
> you might wish to have more than 4 partitions on the disk, dual boot system
> and wish to be able to resize partitions on a live disk. So they invented a
> stupid and shortsighted standard which had to be patched after it became
> *obviously* shortsighted...
>>> mounting this (for both sda8 and sda9), it shows me the error:
>>> *
>>> mount: unknown filesystem type 'lvm2pv'* (in the terminal)
>>> and once:
>>> *
>>> mount: you must specify the filesystem type* (in the terminal)
>>> so again it is not getting either mounted.
> Of course, as you already found out yourself, mounting partitions inside the
> LVM container is not the same as trying to mount the LVM container itself (the
> latter is bound to fail, since it is just a container, not an actual
> partition...). Hence the errors.
> Although I am confused about sda8, it is type 83 (ext2/3/4), that one *should*
> have worked. But nevermind now... ;-)
> And of course, I missed to remember that you probably have a LVM container by
> default, so my original instructions didn't work as I thought they should. My
> bad. But you found out what is the proper procedure for that case via google.
> :-)
>> [root@localhost oldfedora]# cat /etc/fstab
> [snip]
>> I don't understand why it is wrong?
> Well, the fstab file is a file that contains rows and columns. Specifically, each
> row must contain 6 columns. Column entries are separated with a space. So for
> example, the line
> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
> has "tmpfs" in the first column, "/tmp" in the second, "tmpfs" in the third,
> "defaults" in the fourth, and "0" in fifth and sixth. And that is ok.
> Now, if you look at one of the lines you modified initially, for example:
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root /  ext4    defaults, noatime, nodiratime  1 1
> I am counting 7 spaces total, which means that line has 8 columns, which the
> computer does not tolerate. The "defaults,", "noatime," and "nodiratime" are
> distributed into three columns, when they should all be in only one (4-th
> column). When you introduced extra spaces, you introduced extra columns, which
> is wrong. The right line should be
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root /  ext4    defaults,noatime,nodiratime  1 1
> Now there are no extra columns, you have 5 spaces delimiting 6 columns total,
> and the data in the 4-th column is "defaults,noatime,nodiratime", as it should
> be. The computer knows how to interpret and understand this.
> If you want to read more about the structure and syntax of the fstab file, type
> "man fstab" in the terminal, and read on.
> The "man" command stands for "manual", and gives you usage instructions for
> whatever command you wish to know about. Try "man mount", "man ls", "man cd",
> "man vgscan", and so on. Try even "man man", there is a manual about using the
> manual. :-)
> If you want to be able to use Linux with greater power, you need to be
> skillful in using the terminal. Reading manual pages is the first place to
> start learning. If you are very determined to learn, read "man bash".
> If you are a masochist, read "man bash" twice. ;-)
>> But after much pondering over, I just deleted the gap between the
>> nodiratime,noatime and defaults, and really speaking after that only i was
>> able to boot from the original fedora.
> Precisely. After the explanation above, it should be clear what was wrong and
> why it is now correct.
> Best, :-)
> Marko

I wonder why the fedora installer did not create a gpt partitioned disk, 
instead of old dos partitioning scheme.
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