Re: F-13 printing problems -

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On 30/06/10 12:51, fred smith wrote:
> I find that my HL2070N doesn't (always???) work with the driver that
> F13 picks for it. If I tell system-config-printer it's a HL-2060 then
> tell it to use foomatic/hl1250 driver I can get it to work, and it works
> just fine. I don't remember it taking a looooong time to print. in fact
> it's faster than some of the much more expensive HP Laserjets we have
> at my office. For certain, complexity of the print job could have a big
> affect on printing performance. Some kinds of output can require a LOT
> of number crunching by GhostScript and subsequently by the print driver's
> rasterizer, then further computation in the printer itself. however, as
> I say below, my 2070N is quite fast on pretty much everything.
> Not sure what NetworkManager would have to do with performance of
> a printer (I"d expect it to work if the wireless devices have found
> each other and not, if not, but any particular slowness shouldn't be
> related to NM specifically--all it does is find access points and
> connect to them).
I'm not certain that NetworkManager is causing any problems either and 
did not expect it to but it's the only difference I can think of between 
the system today and last week running F-12 when it worked differently 
without NM enabled.
> I've never used a wireless printer, and am a little vague on how
> it would in fact work... how does the printer connect to the wireless? do
> you have to (somehow) enter the wlan settings into the printer to make
> it work? via hard-wired network?
All three printers, hp6840, HL-5140, and HL-2170 have addresses like and are configured as such in CUPS. Any computer on our home 
LAN can use them and most printing is done via them although there are 
others around, mine always have paper and toner and work, except I keep 
putting off buying ink cart's for the HP. We rarely need color so the 
Lasers are sufficient, do good text. The 5140 works via a D-Link printer 
server device purchased as new/surplus for a few dollars from a local 
school, the other two have the radio stuff built in.
> But however you initially set it up, the printer would be connecting to
> your wirelss AP, not your fedora computer....
Generally true, but in this case the HL-5140/Dlink device and three 
computers all connect to a wired Ethernet switch which connects to a 
wireless ethernet bridge in order to eliminate the need for various 
device drivers that are required with the usual wireless adapter boards 
that plug into the mother board. The Ethernet bridges can be configured 
with a browser once and then used wherever needed in the system, 
effectively becoming just another Ethernet port, very convenient. I have 
one in another building 50 yards away. It only has a camera connected 
but could have computers connected to it too, has additional Eth. ports. 
Yesterday my grandson wanted to update his video game on-line, I gave 
him one of the bridges and he was able to connect by simply plugging 
into it with an Eth. cable.

That's probably more than you wanted to know ...



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