Re: Regarding Get Fedora page

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first off, understand this, as i said in my post to which frank replied
and you replied thru it. to which, i will try to clarify.

what you did looks pretty and is very great. i can see where you spent a lot
a lot of time in putting it together.

_but_, it does not *fit* with rest of page on fedora site.

fedora is basically plain text and to the point. no nonsense. no flair. no
bells and whistles.

all pages that i have viewed and used are well linked and easy to navigate.

text is straight forward, easy to read, continuous flow, no jumping around.

Máirín Duffy wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-05-30 at 20:33 +0000, g wrote:
>> Frank Murphy wrote: <snip>
>>> "Máirín Duffy proposed[13] a few ideas for a new Fedora website 
>>> design"
>> that was for fedora 12, and i do not believe it was accepted.

and may well be a reason of your hostility.

>> at least i do not recall fedora 12 looking like it and fedora 13 page 
>> looks nothing at all like it.
> You apparently didn't pay very much attention to the design because yes, 
> that is the same design. We used the old website chrome

then i must have really missed something, because i do not recall
'' for fedora 12 looking anywhere like
what it is for fedora 13, nor like you off-site page,

possible i am not following your usage of 'website chrome'.

> (as has been discussed publicly in multiple places, not that it seems to
> matter to anyone here) rather than replace it at this time, but it is the
> same design. Yes we have been trying to get this design out since before
> F12 came out.

what is discussed in this tech support list is what helps keep users using
what code authors are producing and what red hat ends up using.

granted, 'Regarding Get Fedora page' is not what is normally discussed here,
but i do feel that those who are giving tech support should also be given
*due and proper* notice of how website is being composed.

to hide fact that web page is changing *is* something that should be posted
to this list, and not hidden in a long read of 'fedora weekly news' on
fedora-announce list.

reason i say this is that if the many of subscribers to this list have
trouble finding what is needed, so do new users. with such problems, new
users get turned off to fedora and subscribing tech supporters on this
list get aggravated.

>> in respect and appreciation of what mairin must have gone thru in putting
>>  together such a lovely and beautiful web page, it would work well on a 
>> site like 'ladies home journal', 'business week', or some other such 
>> site.
> Ladies home journal? Are you kidding me?

and 'business week'. if that offends you, then i apologize, because i did
not list more such sites, where a page like what you posted off fedora site
would be more appreciated.

you have a great talent at producing a web page with 'flair', but 'flair'
is not *technical*.

your avatar and 'cute' little bear are prime examples of 'world' you tend
to live in. tho i do give you credit for using fedora.

>> her talent and ability would be wasted in a world primarily of 'hard nose
>>  hard tails'. ;)
>> as much as i like what she did, if put to a vote, i would have to vote 
>> against it, as it does now fit with rest of fedora site.
> That's why we kept the old website chrome for now. I'd like to replace it 
> in time for F13.

again 'chrome'. fedora 13 is already released, or have you been too busy
designing web pages to notice that get fedora 13 web page is what this
is all about?

so, go ahead, get another 'burr in your butt' and take offense to this
post if you wish. i need another good laugh. :)

as for dropping this thread, no. it is not truly settled yet because
design of web pages on fedora site does need to be defined.

is fedora site to stay a
   *no nonsense technical site*,

or is it going to become a
  'bells and whistles, high flair and cute little teddy bears'?

i say it should be put to a vote with *proper* notification on _all_
fedora mailing list.

let the over all majority have their say. not limit it to a few.

note: 'Subject:' change to original.


peace out.



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