Re: F13: Delay in screen refresh

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On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Genes MailLists <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 05/31/2010 05:24 AM, Marco Guazzone wrote:
>  Weird - I've seen similar when something is either occupying large CPU
> or large memory.
>  If something has sucked up the memory and the application is paging
> off disk for example. Look for any processes which are taking up a lot
> of memory (run away firefox, chrome etc)

Hi thank you for replying.

Here below is the information you have asked

But before you dig into it I want to say that it seem a problem of the
OpenBox window manager.
I say so since I've tried to use GNOME and apparently the problem
seems to be disappeared (for instance under ViM there is no delay in
showing characters under the cursor).
While the problem reappears if I turn to OpenBox (without GNOME).
Very strange, under F12 I had no problem even with the same version of OpenBox.
I think I should post a bug report, do you?

>  Can you run
>  vmstat 1
>  in a terminal window while this happening too please.

Sure here below the output. This is taken while moving the cursor
inside ViM character-by-character (I confirm the delay of some second
in showing the character under the cursor)

--- [vmstat] ---

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 2  0   4216 124544 108840 912952    0    0    33    21  448  520  7  5 87  1  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913244    0    0     0     0  516 1107  1  2 97  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913240    0    0     0     0  316  465  1  0 99  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913044    0    0     0     0  515  905  1  2 97  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913044    0    0     0     0  293  455  1  0 99  0  0
 1  0   4216 124412 108840 913044    0    0     0     0  409  569  1  0 98  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913292    0    0     0     0  419  966  1  1 98  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913348    0    0     0     0  523 1237  2  2 97  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913348    0    0     0     0  447  806  1  2 97  0  0
 1  0   4216 124412 108840 913028    0    0     0     0  428  624  2  0 98  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913028    0    0     0     0  324  469  1  0 99  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913028    0    0     0     0  384  564  1  0 99  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913028    0    0     0     0  317  500  2  1 97  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913032    0    0     0     0  657  958  5  1 93  0  0
 1  0   4216 124412 108840 913032    0    0     0     0  307  455  1  0 99  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913032    0    0     0     0  386  559  1  0 99  0  0
 0  0   4216 124412 108840 913280    0    0     0     0  690 1228  2  3 94  0  0
--- [/vmstat] ---

>  I've also seen this with driver problems causing the kernel to have
> some kind of problem (page faults, oops etc).
>  For /var/log/messages I'd
>  egrep 'warn|err' /var/log/message
--- [messages] ---
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 9 10 *11)
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 7) *3
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 9 *10 11)
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs
5 7 9 10 *11)
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs
3 4 5 6 7 9 *10 11 12 14 15)
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs
3 4 5 6 7 *9 10 11 12 14 15)
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs
3 4 *5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15)
May 31 09:08:51 scramble kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs
3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
May 31 09:08:58 scramble libvirtd: 09:08:58.498: warning :
qemudStartup:1150 : Unable to create cgroup for driver: No such device
or address
May 31 09:09:00 scramble libvirtd: 09:09:00.374: warning :
lxcStartup:1748 : Unable to create cgroup for driver: No such device
or address
May 31 09:09:09 scramble dbus: [system] Rejected send message, 1
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.20" (uid=42 pid=1696
member="GetBrightness" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0
destination=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1303 comm="hald))
May 31 09:09:09 scramble dbus: [system] Rejected send message, 1
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.20" (uid=42 pid=1696
member="SetBrightness" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0
destination=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1303 comm="hald))
May 31 09:33:08 scramble python: hp-makeuri[3157]: error: Device not found
--- [/messages] ---

>  Also try looking in the X log file(s) (/var/log/Xorg.0.log and
> ~/.xsession-errors)

--- [xsession-errors] ---
--> I:  0  [ 13 ]
--> I:  1  [ 13 ]
--> I:  2  [ 13 ]
--> I:  3  [ 13 ]
--> I:  4  [ 12 ]
--> I:  5  [ 11 ]
--> I:  6  [ 10 ]
--> I:  7  [ 9 ]

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:4833): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
cannot register existing type `_PolkitError'

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:4833): GLib-CRITICAL **:
g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed
xnots error: Unable to read file /home/marco/.xnotsrc
Conky: /home/marco/.conkyrc: 25: no such configuration: 'on_bottom'
Conky: /home/marco/.conkyrc: 91: no such configuration: 'border_margin'
 Idesk starting in :0.0
[idesk] Background's file not found.
[idesk] Background's source not found.

(deja-dup-monitor:4831): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_uint:
assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (value)' failed
Conky: forked to background, pid is 5109

X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x1400001
  Serial number of failed request:  118
  Current serial number in output stream:  118

(gnome-settings-daemon:4824): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **:
gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name: assertion `format != NULL' failed

(mail-notification:5112): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon
'stock_mail' for stock: Icon 'stock_mail' not present in theme
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x00000000)
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 0
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 1
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 2
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 3
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 4
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 5
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 6
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 7
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 8
Unhandled event ReparentNotify on note 9
tint2 : nb monitor 1, nb monitor used 1, nb desktop 4

(gnome-settings-daemon:4824): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **:
gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name: assertion `format != NULL' failed

(mail-notification:5112): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon
'stock_mail' for stock: Icon 'stock_mail' not present in theme
Received event MappingNotify for unknown window (0x00000000)

(gnome-settings-daemon:4824): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_window_set_wmclass:
shouldn't set wmclass after window is realized!

(gnome-settings-daemon:4824): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
IA__g_object_notify: object class `GkbdStatus' has no property named

(gnome-settings-daemon:4824): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **:
gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name: assertion `format != NULL' failed
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00362)
Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00390)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00390)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00390)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a003ea)
App startup
FoxyProxy settingsDir:
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00418)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00418)
Received event ClientMessage for unknown window (0x02a00418)
--- [/xsession-errors] ---

>  It is also possible your disk is dying and the errors cannot be written
> out.
>  You could try checking if there are hardware problems (perhaps run
> your dell diagnostics disk).

I've tried under Win Vista (the OS installed on another disk
partition) and I had no problem.

Thank you very much


-- Marco
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