RE: F13 installation via yum

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You can also use "preupgrade -it" command instead of "yum". You can resume
your upgrading even if you are (for any reason) disconnected from the

To fix the insufficient /boot space problem go through the following
instruction. I hope this solve your problem completely.
First, try to remove any kernel packages not currently in use on your
system. The  script can be used to identify kernels that may
be safely removed. If you choose to remove additional kernels, be prepared
with installation media should you be unable to return to your previously
installed system.

The installer will need approximately 26M of free space in /boot. Use the
following command to determine the amount of free space in the /boot

#df -h /boot

To identify kernels that may be safely removed, run the following from a
command line:

#curl -O ''
#chmod a+x

Now, to actually remove the kernel versions listed by the above command, run
the following as root:

# PKGS=`./`
# echo $PKGS
# yum remove $PKGS

Next, adjust the number of reserved filesystem blocks using the command
tune2fs. You'll first need to identify the block device for your /boot file
system. In the example below, /dev/sda1 is the block device for the /boot

# mount | grep "/boot"
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext4 (rw)

Now, adjust the number of reserved blocks for the /boot filesystem using the
command tune2fs. Normally, a small amount of space on ext filesystem
formatted partitions is 'reserved' and can only be used by the system
administrator; this is to prevent an entirely full partition from rendering
a system unbootable, and allow the administrator some space in which to work
in order to clean up 'full' partitions. However, neither of this cases
really applies to the /boot filesystem, so removing this reserved space is

# tune2fs -r 0 /dev/sda1

Last, try removing unnecessary files from the /boot filesystem. This will
largely depend on how your system is set up. Removing the incorrect files
may result in a unbootable system. Some candidates for removal include
/boot/efi and /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz.

Sincerely yours,
S. Jalali
Saeid Jalali Asadabadi,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,
University of Isfahan (UI), Hezar Gerib Avenue,
81744 Isfahan, Iran.
Dep. of Phys.  :+98-0311-793 2435
Office         :+98-0311-793 4176
Fax No.        :+98-0311-793 2409
E-mail         :sjalali@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:users-
>bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Frank Murphy
>Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 12:54 PM
>To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: F13 installation via yum
>On 31/05/10 09:21, Luc MAIGNAN wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to upgrade my system from F12 to F13 and I don't have enough
>> space in /boot to use preupgrade.
>> I found several days ago a howto that explains how to install with yum
>> (even it is not supported...). But unfortunaly, I can't find it
>> Can someone tell me where it is ? Or give me an alternate howto ?
>> Regards
>Frank Murphy
>UTF_8 Encoded
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