Re: Regarding Get Fedora page

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On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 13:42 -0700, Alan Evans wrote:
> You seem to think that the only alternative to completely excluding
> the more technical options is to scatter incomprehensible jargon all
> over the page. I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion.

I came to this conclusion after going through some 40-odd mockups of the
current page trying ot prevent it from looking like either a grid of
links (which is what the get-fedora-all page is, BTW) or a page full of
incomprehensible jargon, yes.

You are most certainly more than welcome to try your hand at mixing up
the design if you feel you can do better! All the source files to the
mockups are available and they were made with Inkscape which is included
in Fedora.

The devil is certainly in the details though. There's a lot of problems
to be solved in the pages, the least of which is slapping on a torrent
link. Adding one link causes reverberating effects on the entirety of
the page, and most certainly does not scale. If I added 'just one more
link' to that page, for every 'just one more link' page the websites
team has gotten, we would be back to a page that is a confusing grid of

Seriously. You've gotta trust me on this, if you don't want to spend the
time it takes to read through all of the design documents and mailing
list threads and history of the design. 

> How about something like this at the bottom of the page?:
> "Users looking for the Torrent downloads should go [link]here[/link].
> If you don't know what a Torrent is then it's not what you want."

Where would someone get to the mirrors then? Oh just add one more link
right? Okay. How about or downloading a boot iso?
Oh, just one or two more links. Okay. How about adding a link to KDE on
the front page? Ooh, that's one more link. Okay. Oh, and someone else
was complaining on a forum that I was reading yesterday that we don't
have a link to download the LiveUSB creator. So we'll have to add a link
for that, and a link for the instructions on how to use LiveUSB creator.
Oh, but there's two versions of liveusb creator, one for Windows, one
for *nix, okay then, I guess two links for that....

[ I could do this all day. ]
> That would have at least kept me (and probably many others) from
> scanning the page over and over again for ten minutes looking for what
> I just knew must be there.

No, it wouldn't. Do you know why? Because there are tens if not hundreds
of thousands of people who go to that page, and they aren't all looking
for the same thing. Maybe you and 300 other people were looking for a
torrent link. But maybe 10,000 people were just looking to simply
download the default live image. Not to mention the other thousands of
people who were probably looking for other specific things [ x86 |
x86_64 | ppc | sparc | arm | gnome | kde | lxde | xfce | $NAME spin |
$LOCATION mirror | torrent | cds | dvd | live | boot img | ... ... ...


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